题目:What are the changes in your homedown between now and past ?

答案:The first change which I know is the transportation. Many years ago, hardly did I see private car. Instead, most of people rode bicycle. Now, I can see bus station, private car and other types of vehicles.

Another change is the education. 10 years ago, There wasn’t enough schools for local people, so many students had to go to other cities, which brought many troubles to students.

Now, three new schools are there, including two high schools and a university. That’s to say, a part of local people needn’t to commute between at least two cities.

这个答案是一个参考,对比题一般来说是在Part 3中出现,答案需要在50秒-60分之间。

采用的方式是总 -分的形式,比如提出一个比较明显的变化,然后把过去讲一下,再说一下现在的变化,接着再讲下一个变化。一般来说最好是选择两种变化,不然只讲一种的话,很难达到时长。

同理,homedown包括了transpotation, foods, education, people等等元素,也就是说当你练了homedown之后,基本可以养成一个套题的思路,讲大类里面的东西套到小类里面,想跑题都难。



1: What are the differences of your homedown between now and past ? ( 注意下面的题目全部可以成为该题的小类)

2: What are the changes of transportation between now and past ?

3: Comparing to the past, what are the differences of education ?

4: Comparing to the past, what are the changes of communication ?


很多学生问我:“老师,题目太多了,根本练不完啊。” 或者极端一点的就是想把题目背下来。请问同学们曾经高中时候题海战术时候是准备在高考考场上遇到现题吗?

很显然不是,那时候是纯粹的练手,找解题思维而已,那么雅思也是同样的啊,怎么可能把题目练完?Part 3里面变体太多了,根本也背不到,只能说从思维上解决问题!

  • Tony Siang 实用英语    微信号:gh_f5597d7e5265
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