
近期,剑桥英语官方又为A2 Key和B1 Preliminary青少版提供了第三套样题。本周末进行的是A2 Key青少版考试,按照惯例,厚朴少年学堂将写作和口语参考答案在本文补充完整,分享给大家!(B1 Preliminary青少版第三套官方样题及答案将在下周考试前与大家分享~)
获取A2 Key青少版第三套完整官方样题,请私信小马甲 [样题3] 即可获取!

A2 Key青少版第三套完整官方样题:写作

Hi Chris,
Just to remind you, my family and I are going to the local museum next Saturday and you are welcome to join us. My father will drive us there, so you can come to my house early and we will give you a ride. We can see the history of this city and some antiques that was found in the city. You can bring your camera to take some photos. Looking forward to seeing you!

Kind regards,


One day, Harry and Ginny walked along the beach. Suddenly, they found a beautiful old necklace under the sand.

As there was no one around, they took it home and tried to find some information about this necklace online. To their surprise, this necklace was belonged to an ancient nobleman and it was priceless.

So, they immediately went to the local museum and handed this necklace to the staff. The staff was very happy and very grateful to Harry and Ginny.


A2 Key青少版第三套完整官方样题:口语

Part 1


1. My name is            . / I’m             .
2. I’m             years old.
3. I live in             with my family.

Phrase 2


1. I like traveling with my family on a holiday. Because we can spend a lot of time together and see the beautiful scenery.
I like going to the beach on a family holiday. We can go swimming and sunbathe (晒日光浴).

2. I usually wake up naturally (自然醒) on holiday. Because I don’ t have to go to school on holidays.

3. I usually go on holiday with my family. Sometimes I may hang out with my friends.

4. I really enjoyed my last summer holiday. I went to a summer camp and made some new friends at my age (同龄朋友). I learned how to build a tent and make a fire during this summer camp. It was really interesting and memorable (难忘的).


1. I like to take photos of animals, especially cats. Because I’m a cat person(爱猫人士), I like take cute photos of them.

2. I like to take photos of my friends. I think taking photos is a good way to make memories.

3. I like to take selfies after I’m dressed up (精心打扮). I mean, no one wants to look bad in the photos.

4. I like take photos wherever I’m with my friends. Photos can help us remember our happy time.

5. I like looking at the photos of my birthday. It will remind me how happy I was when I celebrate my birthday with my family and friends.

6. My favorite photo was the one my mom took for me after I won the first prize in the running race. It was the first time I won a competition.

Part 2

Phrase 1

I like watching TV or listening to the music instead of doing homework when I’m at home after school. Because after a long day at school, I prefer to have some me time (自我放松时间) to help me relax and make myself comfortable. But in reality, I have to do homework after school everyday.

As for chatting with my family and playing board games with them are also things I like to do after school.

Phrase 2

1. I prefer being alone when I get home after school. Because in the day time, I spend most of time with my classmates and teachers, so when I get home, it would be nice if I can just be alone and read books or watch movies.

2. It depends. If I have many homework to do, I definitely don’t want to go anywhere. However, if I don’t have too much homework, I like to hang out with my friends in the park or go to their place to play computer games.



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