市面上流传的GRE阅读机经真题有三百多篇,同时又存在多种版本的答案和解析,有些疑难题目让考生不知道听谁的,还有些版本的解析像是用谷歌翻译把同题目和选项翻译了一下。TD GRE教研组认为,GRE阅读的解析,可以讲得再清楚一点。


有感于此,我们尝试用比较长的时间,原创一个解析,力求做到超详细,大白话,包你懂往期GRE阅读真题详细解析👉:GRE阅读Passage 解析,今天继续为大家推出GRE Passage 18(长阅读)解析,这篇阅读一共有19句话,带4道题,TD版超详细「包你懂」系列对此篇文章进行了清楚地解析。

GRE阅读Passage 18

Massive projectiles striking much larger bodies create various kinds of craters, including multi-ring basins–the largest geologic features observed on planets and moons. In such collisions, the impactor is completely destroyed, and its material is incorporated into the larger body. Collison’s between bodies of comparable size, on the other hand, have very different consequences: one or both bodies might be entirely smashed, with mass from one or both the bodies redistributed among new objects formed from the fragments. Such a titanic collision between Earth and a Mars-size impactor may have given rise to Earth’s Moon.

The Earth-Moon system has always been perplexing. Earth is the only one of the inner planets with a large satellite, the orbit of which is neither in the equatorial plane of Earth nor in the plane in which the other planets lie. The Moon’s mean density is much lower than that of Earth but is about the same as that of Earth’s mantle. This similarity in density has long prompted speculation that the Moon split away from a rapidly rotating Earth, but this idea founders on two observations. In order to spin off the Moon, Earth would have had to rotate so fast that a day would have lasted less than three hours. Science offers no plausible explanation of how it could have slowed to its current rotational rate from that speed. Moreover, the Moon’s composition, though similar to that of Earth’s mantle, is not a precise match. Theorizing a titanic collision eliminates postulating a too-rapidly spinning Earth and accounts for the Moon’s peculiar composition. In a titanic collision model, the bulk of the Moon would have formed from a combination of material from the impactor and Earth’s mantle. Most of the earthly component would have been in the form of melted or vaporized matter. The difficulty in recondensing this vapor in Earth’s orbit, and its subsequent loss to the vacuum of outer space, might account for the observed absence in lunar rocks of certain readily vaporized compounds and elements.

Unusual features of some other planets might also be explained by such impacts. Mercury is known to have a high density in comparison with other rocky planets. A titanic impact could have stripped away a portion of its rocky mantle, leaving behind a metallic core whose density is out of proportion with the original ratio of rock to metal. A massive, glancing blow to Venus might have given it its anomalously slow spin and reversed direction of rotation. Such conjectures are tempting, but, since no early planet was immune to titanic impacts, they could be used indiscriminately to explain away in a cavalier fashion every unusual planetary characteristic; still, we may now be beginning to discern the true role of titanic impacts in planetary history.



Massive projectiles striking much larger bodies create various kinds of craters, including multi-ring basins–the largest geologic features observed on planets and moons. In such collisions, the impactor is completely destroyed, and its material is incorporated into the larger body.


又大又重的抛射物(指小一点的天体)撞到比抛射物自己还大得多的天体上去,会在天体表面产生各种各样的陨石坑。其中有一种坑叫多环盆状坑。行星和卫星上有很多geologic features(比如冰川河,大峡谷等等),多环盆状坑是(科学家们)所观察到的最大的一种geologic feature。在小一点的天体撞击比自己大得多的天体的这种撞击中,小一点的(the impactor)会被完全毁掉,会被(被撞的)天体吃掉(is incorporated),也就是撞出一个大坑,陷到自己撞出来的这个大坑里去,就是被incorporated了。



Collison’s between bodies of comparable size, on the other hand, have very different consequences: one or both bodies might be entirely smashed, with mass from one or both the bodies redistributed among new objects formed from the fragments. Such a titanic collision between Earth and a Mars-size impactor may have given rise to Earth’s Moon.







C:Mars and Earth have comparable size


根据文章,Earth和Mars-size impactor的size是comparable的,所以可以推出Earth和Mars的sizes也是差距不大的。所以选C。


The Earth-Moon system has always been perplexing. Earth is the only one of the inner planets with a large satellite, the orbit of which is neither in the equatorial plane of Earth nor in the plane in which the other planets lie.


在所有planets里面,有些planets属于inner planets,Earth也属于。这些inner planets里面,只有Earth是带一个大卫星(即月球)的。而且啊,这个月球绕地球转的轨道所处的平面,跟它所绕的Earth的赤道平面还不是同一个平面,跟其他几个planets的平面,也不是同一个平面。为什么地球会带一个卫星,这个问题是让人困惑、搞不明白的。


The Moon’s mean density is much lower than that of Earth but is about the same as that of Earth’s mantle. This similarity in density has long prompted speculation that the Moon split away from a rapidly rotating Earth, but this idea founders on two observations.





founder是一个不及物动词,意思是“计划或事业等失败;垮掉”(fail or break down, typically as a result of a particular problem or setback)


In order to spin off the Moon, Earth would have had to rotate so fast that a day would have lasted less than three hours. Science offers no plausible explanation of how it could have slowed to its current rotational rate from that speed. Moreover, the Moon’s composition, though similar to that of Earth’s mantle, is not a precise match.





月球密度虽然和地球的mantle的密度产不多,但月球的物质组成结构,和地球mantle不是完全一样。(如果确实甩出去的,两者应该是precise match,但实际不是,所以不是甩出去的)


Theorizing a titanic collision eliminates postulating a too-rapidly spinning Earth and accounts for the Moon’s peculiar composition. In a titanic collision model, the bulk of the Moon would have formed from a combination of material from the impactor and Earth’s mantle. Most of the earthly component would have been in the form of melted or vaporized matter. The difficulty in recondensing this vapor in Earth’s orbit, and its subsequent loss to the vacuum of outer space, might account for the observed absence in lunar rocks of certain readily vaporized compounds and elements.







Unusual features of some other planets might also be explained by such impacts. Mercury is known to have a high density in comparison with other rocky planets. A titanic impact could have stripped away a portion of its rocky mantle, leaving behind a metallic core whose density is out of proportion with the original ratio of rock to metal. A massive, glancing blow to Venus might have given it its anomalously slow spin and reversed direction of rotation.


地球有个月球,这一点在行星里是unusual的;别的行星也有些unusual的特点,也是比较难解释的。比如水星,它属于rocky planets,但是其他几个rocky planets的密度不是很高,唯独这个水星的密度非常高。用“和水星差不多大的天体撞过一次水星”这个理论,就可以解释水星的密度为什么这么高。有一个天体撞了水星,那一撞把水星密度低的mantle部分都撞飞了,剩下的大都是以金属为主的core部分了。这就解释通了。再比如金星,它也有一个unusual之处,就是它的自转速度异常地慢,而且转的方向和别的planets是反的。用“和金星差不多大的天体撞过一次金星”这个理论,就可以解释这一点。有一个天体给了金星一个glancing blow,导致金星反着转、转速慢。

glance是动词,意思是“偏斜地击中某物而斜弹开来”(hit something at an angle and bounce off obliquely),在文章中的意思就是说有一个天体斜擦着撞了一下金星,然后金星就反方向转了。

请注意,我们一般都是不知道glance的这个意思的,但是我们可以根据上下文推测出glancing blow和strike的意思接近,是strike或collision的一种。


Such conjectures are tempting, but, since no early planet was immune to titanic impacts, they could be used indiscriminately to explain away in a cavalier fashion every unusual planetary characteristic; still, we may now be beginning to discern the true role of titanic impacts in planetary history.




1. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the collisions mentioned in the highlighted sentence?

A. They occur less frequently than do titanic collisions.

B. They occur between bodies of comparable size.

C. They occur primarily between planet-sized bodies.

D. They result in the complete destruction of the impacting body.

E. They result in mass being redistributed among newly formed objects.








2. The author of the passage asserts which of the following about titanic collision models?

A. Such models are conclusive with respect to certain anomalies within the solar system, but leave numerous other anomalies unexplained.

B. Such models are more likely than are earlier models to account for the formation of multi- ring basins.

C. Such models may be particularly useful in explaining what happens when the impacting bodies involved are of highly dissimilar mean densities.

D. Such models have been tested to such a degree that they are quickly reaching the point where they can be considered definitive.

E. Such models are so tempting that they run the risk of being used indiscriminately to explain unusual planetary features.







E选项可以对应文章第十九句话(即最后一句话),这句话中的indiscriminately和in a cavalier fashion可以看出作者是在表达略微负面的看法,所以可以对应E选项中的run the risk of……。

3. The passage suggests that which of the following is true of the cited compounds and elements?

A. They were created by reactions that took place during a titanic collision.

B. They were supplied by an impactor that collided with Earth.

C. They were once present on the Moon but were subsequently vaporized.

D. They are rarely found on planet-size bodies in our solar system.

E. They are present on Earth but not on the Moon.







E选项可以对应第十五句话中的“absence in lunar rocks of certain readily vaporized compounds and elements.”所以E选项正确。

4. In the second paragraph, the author is primarily concerned with

A. arguing in favor of a particular theory about the formation of the Earth-Moon system.

B. summarizing conventional theories about the formation of the earth-Moon system.

C. anticipating and responding to criticisms of a particular theory about the formation of the Earth-Moon system.

D. explaining why the Earth-Moon system is considered scientifically perplexing.

E. questioning an assumption underlying one theory about the formation of the Earth-Moon system.












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