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GRE阅读机经真题Passage 59

Recent studies of ancient Maya water management have found that the urban architecture of some cities was used to divert rainfall runoff into gravity-fed systems of interconnected reservoirs. In the central and southern Maya Lowlands, this kind of water control was necessary to support large populations throughout the year due to the scarcity of perennial surface water and the seasonal availability of rainfall. Some scholars argue that the concentration of water within the urban core of these sites provided a centralized source of political authority for Maya elites based largely on controlled water access. Such an argument is plausible; however, it is less useful for understanding the sociopolitical implications of water use and control in other, water-rich parts of the Maya region.

GRE 文章解析


最近一些以古玛雅文明对水资源的管理为研究对象的研究发现,古玛雅国有些城市城里的建筑被用来把降水引导进入重力驱动的排水储水系统(包含互相连通的储水库)。在玛雅国中部和南部的“玛雅低地”地区,人口众多,常年不干的地表水(perennial surface water)又很稀少,再加上雨不是四季都有,有的季节不下雨,所以这样用建筑引水进入储水系统来控制水资源的做法在全年都是需要的,这样才能给所有人供水。有些学者认为,把水资源这集中到城市中心,其作用是给古玛雅国的(统治)精英的政治权威提供了一个集中的来源。这些精英的统治主要基于对水资源的控制能力。这个(解释为什么玛雅国的城市里会有用来排水的建筑的)观点似乎是有道理的,但也有问题。玛雅国除中南部的“玛雅低地”以外的其他一些地区,水资源是很丰富的,但在这些地区也发现了城市里有用来排水的建筑,那种“之所以城市里会存在这种排水建筑,是因为控制水资源具有社会政治方面的后果”的解释,就不那么有用了。


1. The author of the passage implies which of the following about the political importance of the type of urban water management system described in the passage?

A. Because the system was centralized, it allowed political control over a widely scattered population.

B. The knowledge required to design and maintain the system became the pretext for Maya elites’ political authority.

C. By selectively limiting access to water, Maya elites used the system to curb challenges to their authority

D. The system is not sufficient to explain the sources of centralized political power in all parts of the Maya region

E. The system’s continued maintenance required political authorities to exert control over an increasing proportion of economic resources.




B“玛雅国的统治精英,以掌握了设计和维护该水资源管理系统的人才适合当统治精英,来维护自己的政治权威 ”




根据文章最后一句话,D选项正确。这道题有一个陷阱,请同学们一定要认真读题干。这道题问的是文章作者的观点,而不是问文章提到的观点。很多同学认为C选项好像对,因为这个选项可以对应文章倒数第二句话的“based largely on controlled water access.”。但是C选项说的是some scholars的观点,不是作者的观点。所以C选项就错了。最后一句话才是作者的观点。


Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

2. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the water management systems in the central and southern Maya Lowlands?

A. They were implemented in part because of the prevailing pattern of rainfall.

B. They were an integral part of lowland cities’ architecture.

C. They were needed because of insufficient resources such as ponds, rivers and lakes in the lowlands.



A选项中的“the prevailing pattern of rainfall”对应文章第二句话中的“the seasonal availability of rainfall”

B选项中的“an integral part”对应文章第二句话中的“necessary”

integral的意思是“必须的;必要的;基本的”(necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental)

C选项中的“insufficient resources such as ponds, rivers and lakes”对应文章第二句话中的“the scarcity of perennial surface water”


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