
本次话题来自最新口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会给大家分享最新题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!带你了解老外地道口语表达~

Part 1 Weather

1. What’s the weather like where you live?

I live in Beijing and Beijing doesn’t not exactly have the nicest weather. Summer is scorching hot, we have a lot of

triple digit temperatures and winter is freezing. We do have

some beautiful weather in the fall, but it’s really short, like only one month. And the air is super dry.

2.Do you prefer cold or hot weather?

I’m gonna go with the lesser of these two evils, I’d pick cold weather. I feel like it’s easier to cope with the cold, you can just bundle up to stay warm, and when you have heat in the house, it’s really not a problem. You might say, well, you can use air conditioning when it’s hot, the thing is, staying in an air conditioned room for a long time always gives me headaches and a stuffy nose. And not having air conditioning in summer is just not an option, the heat wave is just unbearable.

3.Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

You know what? One thing I do like about the weather in Beijing is that it is dry year around. It really agrees with me, mostly because I hate wet weather where the air is always damp and it rains too much, mold grows everywhere in the house, it can be such a nuisance. The sun is always blocked by clouds. That kind weather just makes me depressed.

4.Do yo get in the habit of checking the weather forecast? When/how often?

I don’t think I do. I only check the weather forecast occasionally. Most of the time, I work from home, I don’t go out that much, so I’m not exposed to the elements. The weather outside doesn’t affect my daily plans. Besides, I never take the weather forecast too seriously, it’s just not as accurate as it should be.


scorching hot 特别热

triple digit temperatures 三位数的气温(是华式摄氏度的3位数,大约就是30多度的高温天气)

choose the lesser of two evils 两害取其轻

bundle up 穿保暖的衣服

stuffy nose 鼻子堵住了

heat wave 热浪

(weather)agrees with sb 某种天气很适合某人

mold 霉

nuisance 令人讨厌的东西

be exposed to the elements 受到风吹雨打

Part 1 Snacks

1. What snacks do you like to eat?

Well, I’m not a snack person. I only occasionally eat something like chips when I’m really hungry and I don’t have other food. And I don’t even like chips. Snacking is just not my thing. I always try to have good, nutritious meals. You know, most snacks people eat are highly processed foods, they contain a lot of trans fat, salt and sugar, which are bad for your health.

2.Did you often eat snacks when you were young?

Not really. When I was a kid, I wasn’t like the other kids, I didn’t really like candy, cake, ice cream or anything. You know, I have a cousin who never ate his meals, he only ate snacks, and his parents had to make him eat rice and vegetables. That was never a problem with me, I always had a good appetite for the meals my parents cooked. And they didn’t really buy snacks because I didn’t want them.

3.When do you usually eat snacks now?

Like I said, I don’t eat snacks that much. When I do feel hungry and it’s not meal time, I’d grab some fruit, nuts or yogurt to eat which I think are natural and healthy. I don’t know, I have always preferred natural foods. Sometimes when I go grocery shopping, I do occasionally pick up jellies or biscuits, but I either don’t open them at all or I only eat a little before dumping them in the trash. Just not a fan.

4.Do you think it is healthy for you to eat snacks?

I think I’ve made my point. Most snacks are not healthy. You just don’t know what you are taking into your body, I mean all those unhealthy additives and artificial ingredients. You know why parents won’t let their children eat candy and other sugary foods because they give children cavities and make them fat. And the reason why some adults have a hard time losing weight is that they just don’t cut back on snacks. Snacking is just a bad habit.


snacking 吃零食

trans fat 反式脂肪

highly processed foods 深加工食品

grab sth to eat 找点东西吃

additive 添加物

ingredient 原料

cavity 牙齿上的洞

cut back on sth 减少…的摄入








