曾有同学和我说:老师,机考单词题so easy!就那么几个句子,我多想想,排除一下,就能猜出来个大概!

我:同学你too naive….

词汇题(words in context),我认为是机考中一个典型的扮猪吃老虎类题型。为啥呢:

机考阅读中占比最多;eg:官方套题2中的harder module里一共16道阅读题,其中8道为单词题;

在reading and writing section,平均下来每道题只有1’19’’的思考时间。单词题简短,每道题应该花费不超过30s,留时间给后面的双篇 / 推断等题。如果每道单词题里有好几个生词,需要靠“联系上下文猜” / “排除法”去做,一定很耗费时间;

机考的words in context题型,不仅仅需要我们明白单词意思;还有考察固定的做题技巧和语境理解。如果我们只知道单词本意,就会发现,选项里有很多正确的单词意思,但其实并不能符合文意。



1.words in context通常怎么出题?




Which choice completes the text with the most logical and preciseword or phrase?

As used in the text, what does the word “quality” most nearly mean?

As used in the text, what does the phrase “reconcile his mother to” most nearly mean?



Practice 1

In recommending Bao Phi’s collection Sông I Sing, a librarian noted that pieces by the spoken-word poet don’t lose their ______ nature when printed: the language has the same pleasant musical quality on the page as it does when performed by Phi.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. jarring
B. scholarly
C. melodic
D. personal

这一段话里,在line2冒号的前面的句子意思理解:a librarian评价说“Bao Phi’s collection Sông I Sing”在printed出来时,没有lost______ 特征;冒号后面:Bao Phi’s collection Sông I Sing有the same pleasant musical quality.

可以看出,冒号前后都是在描述Bao Phi’s collection Sông I Sing的特点(nature & quality),因此我们需要在4个选项里找和“pleasant musical quality”相似意思的词,也就是melodic。



文段中有标点符号,表示“更进一步解释说明”的,也许我们的答案会和标点符号另一头的信息“呈正相关”。比如这道题里:pieces don’t lose their melodic nature = the language has the same pleasant musical quality。

Practice 2

The following text is from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby.

[Jay Gatsby] was balancing himself on the dashboard of his car with that resourcefulness of movement that is so peculiarly American—that comes, I suppose, with the absence of lifting work in youth and, even more, with the formless grace of our nervous, sporadic games. This quality was continually breaking through his punctilious manner in the shape of restlessness.

As used in the text, what does the word “quality” most nearly mean?

A. Characteristic
B. Standard
C. Prestige
D. Accomplishment


Eg: “attribute”;

Eg: describe how good something is (e.g, “high quality” vs “low quality”);

Eg: the degree of excellence of something.

我们可以看到问题里的this quality为代词指代,说明一定要代指前文中提到过的某个信息。这一段文字第一句话描述了Jay Gatsby动作的特征:[ that resourcefulness of movement ],这就是问题中this quality指代的对象,因此属于“a characteristic or trait of his.”



如果问题中有出现代词,比如this / that / the + sth / it / his等,我们可以往前一句话找相关的被指代信息。

Practice 3

Mineralogical differences are detectable in samples collected from two locations on the near-Earth asteroid Ryugu, but such differences may not indicate substantial compositional variations in the asteroid. Cosmochemist Kazuhide Nagashima and colleagues note that at the small scale of the samples, the distribution of minerals is unlikely to be ______.

Mineralogical differences在两份asteroid samples里很明显;但是asteroid的composition本身可能并没有什么区别。

那么,在small scale of the samples里,the distribution of minerals也不一致。“Unlikely to be ______”应该和“detectable differences”意思一致。所以空缺处填入“different的反义词”,uniform。

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. redundant
B. neglected
C. uniform
D. ongoing



文章里若出现but / unlikely等词,很容易逻辑搅不清楚。请同学看清楚空缺处的句子意思,空缺词到底在修饰谁?比如这道题里,是在修饰“minerals distribution in different samples”,而不是“compositional variations in the asteroid”。并且,看清楚到底是要找“正相关”还是“负相关”。

同学们现在有没有对单词题有了更清晰的了解,并且也熟悉了考点的大方向呢。那么接下来就需要集中的练习和查漏补缺啦。TD SAT教研组为大家准备了words in context知识点的专项练习,机考的同学可以领取并且进行练习哦!






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