托福口语中的task 2基本是四道题当中最简单的,既没有回答task 1时的“我是谁我在哪儿”的充满智慧的疑惑,也没有回答task 3时的“教授你在说啥”的怒发冲冠。但是这个题目虽然简单,很多同学还是一不小心就拿了3.5,与理想中的高分失之交臂,之后懊悔不已。因此,如果要保证task 2稳稳地拿到四分,还是得在多练习的同时运用很多技巧。下面就来说说task 2有那些常见的扣分项

托福口语task 2—阅读概括太啰嗦

虽然task 2的时间没有task 3那么紧张,但是如果前面说得过于啰嗦的话也会导致没有时间说重点。因此概括阅读部分的时候需要用一个精简的模版。不要说According to the reading material, the school has decided that…这么啰嗦的句子。毕竟说模版也不加分。

如果是学校通知的话,建议用the university is going to…/plans to…/announces that…

如果是学生/老师的建议信的话,建议用the letter proposes/suggests that the university should…

托福口语task 2—找不到阅读重点


No More Jazz Choir

Currently, the university has a jazz choir, a group of students who meet to sing jazz music and give concerts. However, starting next year the jazz choir will be discontinued, and will no longer exist. The primary reason for ending the jazz choir, according to the director, is that student interest in participating has been low, and it has been difficult to find enough student singers to fill the jazz choir. He mentioned that there will still be an opportunity for students to participate in a singing group, since the university also has another choir that performs concerts on campus, so students can participate in the other choir instead.

这篇阅读特别的典型,重点的变化就是no more jazz choir, 也就是说学校解散了爵士乐团。

找做这个决定的主要原因的时候可以定位关键词the primary reason, 然后找到student interest in participating has been low。有些同学会找到后面的信息it has been difficult to find enough student singers to fill the jazz choir, 这个其实是前面“同学们参与乐团的兴趣下降”的一个结果而并不是主要原因。

找学校给出的measure的时候可以定位still, 也就是说学生们仍旧有机会参加唱歌小组。since后面的部分是解释这个measure的原因,所以也不是重点,不要定位到这里。

因此,比较标准的总起句是The university plans to discontinue the jazz choir because student interest in participating has been low. Also, students can still participate in a singing group.


首先,文段的前1-2句话一般都是大背景,介绍的是现在的情况。之后一般会有明显的表示转折的词汇,比如说however, on the other hand, nevertheless等,引出学校/学生准备做的变化。前面两句大背景丝毫不用看,和答题内容半毛钱关系也没有,直接当废话处理就可以。

其次,在介绍这样做的原因的时候都会有表达原因的逻辑词,比如说because, in order to, so that, 一般紧跟在这些逻辑词后面的就是主要原因。

最后,不管第二个点是原因还是解决方式,一般都会运用并列结构,关键词可能是also, in addition, furthermore……之类的,直接定位这些逻辑词后面的信息就可以。

除此之外还有一些词汇后面跟的一定是废话内容,比如说such as, like, for instance, which means that, in other words……阅读文段的时候直接跳过这些词后面的内容就好。

托福口语task 2—听力记不到重点


M: Alicia, did you see this article in today’s paper? Aren’t you involved with that group?
W: I am. And I think it’s a shame they’re doing this. I don’t think they should.
M: Well, but I guess their reasoning makes sense. Maybe it’s not worth it for the director.
W: I get that, but the real problem is that we have a really intense rehearsal schedule. We need to rehearse 3 days a week, and for a lot of students, that’s just too much of a commitment.

M: Yeah, three meetings a week is a lot.
W: Right! On Top of concerts. It is a lot. I think if they just reduced it and have rehearsals, maybe once a week, then I bet lots of students could do it.
M: That makes sense. But even so, at least there’s an alternative, right?
W: Yeah, but it’s not the same.
M: Oh, no?
W: No, because the music they do is totally different. All they do is classical music. And personally, I don’t like that music as much.
M: Yeah, that makes a difference. I suppose a lot of students feel that way.

W: Definitely.

首先,在表明态度方面,只记agree/disagree就可以。这个主人公特别有情感地说I think it’s a shame that they’re doing this…,这个是不需要复述的,说了还会占用宝贵的时间。因此直接说 The woman disagrees with the plan就可以。

其次,由于task 2的对话都是一个捧哏一个逗哏,一个人迷迷糊糊疯狂提问一个人高强度输出观点,我们只需要记话多的那个人说的内容就可以。毕竟另外一个同学只是cue流程的工具人。比如说这个对话里面的男生为了引导说的一些信息点,worth it for the director, there’s an alternative, that makes a difference等。一方面,这会重复文段和女生的话语中已经提到了的信息,另一方面,这也不是题干重点问的内容。因此,在捧哏说话的时候可以多记一点逗哏说了但是一时没有来得及写下来的信息。

最后,在确定了什么是重点的时候还是尽量记得详细一点,毕竟有的材料多能说的东西就多,答案就更充实嘛。比如说记录学生反驳这个计划的原因的时候可以写real prob. — intense schedule, 3 days — too much. reduce–once. 这样就可以组成一句话说The real problem is that the rehearsal schedule is very intense as students have to participate three days a week, and it is too much for them to commit. She suggests the choir to reduce the rehearsal frequency to once a week, so that more students would be able to make it.

托福口语task 2—语言错误多


其次,虽然task 2里面不是现在时的时态出现得不像task 3那么多,但是有可能也会有,比如说这篇原文里student interest in participating has been low,如果遇到了就需要注意,争取不在language use上面扣分。

最后,有一些在学校主题的文章中经常出现也经常被读错的词汇。比如说alumni (最后那个i读啥音呢?),resume(最后那个e读什么音呢?),dormitory(重音在哪儿呢?)。这些常用词汇同学们平时可以留意一下,不要读错.

托福口语task 2—说得不够自信

托福口语的评分标准中delivery也占很大的一部分,也就是考官听你的回答得感觉清晰流畅,但是这一部分的评分就比较主观。若是想给考官留下好印象就一定得足够自信。反正task 2里面的词汇我们都知道,不像task 3 /task 4一样有一堆学术词汇让人舌头打结。而且要说啥我们也知道,不像task 1一样绞尽脑汁也想不出来一个论点。这个时候就是最好的展现我们风采的时候了,一定得用洪亮的声音让考官虎躯一震给出四分!

本文作者TD福利 & 领取方式






