
本次话题来自2020年9-12月最新口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会按时给大家分享最新题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!

Part 2 你还在拼凑胡扯吗?还在无厘头的蹦句子吗?高分答案永远都是有满满的细节和完整的故事~

是不是还在头疼Part 3的变态题?教你一招:再怪再难的题我们都能把它简单化生活化~

2020年9~12月雅思口语真题Part 2话题:忘记重要的事情



Describe an occasion when you forgot something important.

You should say:

When it was
What you forgot
Why you forgot it
And how you felt about it

A couple of months ago, I was in a crowed café and as I got up to leave, I accidentally left my handbag there. All of my stuff was in my handbag, my ID card, my keys, everything. Although there was no cash in there, other things were pretty important to me. Sometimes, I can really be forgetful. The thing is, there were a bunch of people in the café, including some who saw me leave my handbag there. About fifteen minutes later, I realized that I didn’t have my bag. So, I immediately rushed back to the café and saw my handbag was still at the table. Now, the woman who had been at the table next to me was still there. She said that she was glad that I had returned for my bag. She had seen me leave it there and thought of saying something, but she didn’t wanna shout at me and disturb all the people in the café. But you know, I would have preferred to be shouted at. I also don’t think the other people would have minded the temporary disturbance if someone is yelling, considering the situation. It’s true that most people accept the social rule that we shouldn’t shout in public, especially at totally strangers. Shouting in public is considered rude and, well, nobody likes being shouted at. But we can’t apply this general rule to all situations, there are exceptions. Anyway, next time I’ll be more careful and if someone happens to forget their stuff, I will definitely remind that person.

2020年9~12月雅思口语真题Part 3


1. What kind of things do people forget easily?

I think people are more likely to forget essentials, like keys, phone, purse. It’s weird how people forget these important things in daily life. This happens to me all the time. I always forget where my phone is, and it takes at least five minutes for me to find it. Sometimes it’s really annoying, I just hate the feeling of finding things, especially when I’m in a hurry to do something.

2. What kind of people are more forgettable?

People with average faces are more forgettable. They could be one of lots of different people and so, when we see average faces, it is difficult to be sure that really is the right person. People with more extreme faces, however, won’t look like anyone else and so be easier to search for in our memories.

3. How can people improve their memory?

Getting a full night’s rest, typically about 7–9 hours a night for an adult, helps the brain create and store long term memories. Sleep is vital for overall brain health. Then just try to be patient and repeat things. This actually helps because repetition seems to work for most people. And it’s an easier way to remember things.

4. What do you think of people using calendars to remind themselves of things?

I think it’s brilliant. Nowadays, people use the calendar on the phone to help them keep track of things. I usually add events on my calendar. Things like birthdays of my families and friends, important appointments, deadlines. It’s handy since I bring my cell phone everywhere I go, I get to check all those reminders on my calendar at any time.








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