市面上流传的GRE阅读机经真题有三百多篇,同时又存在多种版本的答案和解析,有些疑难题目让考生不知道听谁的,还有些版本的解析像是用谷歌翻译把同题目和选项翻译了一下。TD GRE教研组认为,GRE阅读的解析,可以讲得再清楚一点。


有感于此,我们尝试用比较长的时间,原创一个解析,力求做到超详细,大白话,包你懂往期GRE阅读真题详细解析👉:GRE阅读Passage 解析,今天继续为大家推出GRE Passage 47 解析,TD版超详细「包你懂」系列对此篇文章进行了清楚地解析。

GRE阅读真题 Passage 47

From the 1880s to the 1930s, the textile industry in Japan employed over half of all workers, most of them in the three major branches of silk reeling, cotton spinning, and weaving.

Because the branches were highly diverse—in scale, skill requirements, and technology—historians traditionally have analyzed them separately. However, the workforces of all three were drawn primarily from the same population: young, mostly rural women aged 10 to 25. Noting this commonality, Hunter argues that a consideration of the three branches of production together is long overdue: examining elements common to the different branches of textile production may, she asserts, permit the identification of gender-based factors that may have influenced the operation of the Japanese female labor market as a whole.



From the 1880s to the 1930s, the textile industry in Japan employed over half of all workers, most of them in the three major branches of silk reeling, cotton spinning, and weaving.




Because the branches were highly diverse—in scale, skill requirements, and technology—historians traditionally have analyzed them separately. However, the workforces of all three were drawn primarily from the same population: young, mostly rural women aged 10 to 25. Noting this commonality, Hunter argues that a consideration of the three branches of production together is long overdue: examining elements common to the different branches of textile production may, she asserts, permit the identification of gender-based factors that may have influenced the operation of the Japanese female labor market as a whole.


因为这三大分支在产业规模、对工人的技巧要求、技术三个方面的差别非常大,所以历史学家们通常(可数名词复数前面没有冠词表示in general)传统上对这三个分支是一个一个分开来单独分析研究。但是,其实是这三大分支有一个共性,就是工人主要都来自同一个人群:10岁到25岁、来自农村的青少年女工。有个叫Hunter的女学者指出这一个事实,并提出观点,认为早就应该把三大分支放在一起来研究了,以前那种分开来研究的做法不对。Hunter坚称,(把三大分支放在一起研究),仔细研究纺织业几个不同分支的一些共性特点,可以让学者们识别到一些基于性别的因素(工人大都是女青年),这些因素可能对整个日本女性劳工市场(不只是纺织业女性劳工市场,还有其他行业的女性劳工市场)都产生了影响。


1. Which of the following does the passage cite as an explanation for historians’ traditional analysis of the Japanese textile industry?

A. a common workforce population across all branches of textile manufacturing

B. similarities in the skills required for silk reeling, cotton spinning, and weaving

C. the importance of the textile industry to the Japanese economy as a whole

D. the high number of female factory workers employed within the textile industry

E. differences in the technology used in the three major branches of textile production


问文章提到了下列哪一个情况,是历史学家们通常(可数名词复数前面没有冠词表示in general)传统上对这三个分支是一个一个分开来单独分析研究的原因?

根据文章第二部分第一句,highly diverse……in …… and technology,对应E选项的differences in the technology。


Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
2. It can be inferred that Hunter regards which of the following to be a shortcoming of historians’ traditional analyses discussed in the passage?

A. their failure to examine factors common to the three different branches of Japanese textile production

B. their separation of the Japanese textile industry into three major branches based on differences in scale, skill requirements, and technology

C. their failure to acknowledge the contribution made by rural women to the different branches of the textile industry





很多同学问为什么B选项不对。很多机构也给了解释,但也没有解释清楚。下面我们来解释一下:首先,根据文章,Hunter反对的并不是把日本纺织业分成了三大分支这个事,她反对的是历史学家们没有注意到三大分支的一个commonality。其次,文章并没有说是历史学家们根据其在产业规模、对工人的技巧要求、技术三个方面存在巨大差异,而把纺织业分成了三个分支。同学们想一想,缫丝、棉纺纱加工和织布这三个行业,即使在产业规模、对工人的技巧要求、技术三个方面完全没有差异,也会被分成三个行业的,因为这三个事本来就是三件不同的事。铝合金制造业、炼钢业、铸铜业是冶金业的三个分支行业,这三个分支行业的产业规模、对工人的技巧要求不同、技术也确实不同,但却不是其划分的依据。但是这三个分支行业之所以这样分,就是因为这是三种不同的金属,就是因为一个是造铝制品的,一个是造钢的,一个是造铜的嘛。所以B选项说Separation……based on differences in scale, skill requirements, and technology,意思就是说历史学家们是根据differences in scale来separate成几个分支的。不是根据这个分的,甚至分这个事,都不是历史学家干的。





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