本次话题来自最新口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会给大家分享最新题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!带你了解老外地道口语表达~

Part 1 Birthday

1. What do you usually do on your birthday?

Well, on my birthday, my parents usually throw me a birthday party, we’d go to a fancy restaurant and order expensive food to celebrate, my close friends are also invited and they’d shower me with gifts. After dinner, me and my friends would usually go to a Karaoke bar where we sing our hearts out, we dance, enjoy a cake and have a blast. It’s always the happiest day of the year for me.

2.What did you do on your birthday when you were young?

When I was a kid, I looked forward to my birthday a lot, it was kind of a tradition that my parents would take me to the theme park where I could have as much ice cream as I wanted, I got to ride the roller coaster which was my favorite, I could ask my parents to buy whatever toys I liked. It was a day where I was spoiled, and I made the most of it.

3.Do you think it is important for you celebrate your birthday?

Sure. Birthday is a big deal for me, it does not just mean I’m one year older, it also signals that I’m entering a new stage of my life. Like my 18th birthday that I celebrated last year, I just felt like I was becoming an adult, a man. I felt there would be so many good things ahead of me, like I couldn’t wait to take on the world myself.

4.Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate in China?

Well, everybody’s birthday is worth celebrating in the family, but if I have to choose, I think it’s my grandparents’. They are the most respected family members, they’ve contributed so much to the family. We are forever in their debt. Their birthday is really an opportunity for the family to celebrate their good health, their longevity, and to thank them for what they have sacrificed for the family.


shower sb with gifts 给某人很多礼物

have a blast 玩的很尽兴

be spoiled 被宠坏

take on the world 面对世界的挑战

be in sb’s debt 感恩某人

longevity 长寿

Part 1 Names

1. Do your name have any special meaning?

I guess it does, I actually asked my father about my name, like, why he gave me this name. When my mom was pregnant with me, my dad was reading the history about the warring nations in ancient China, there were two diplomats Suqin and Zhangyi, that aroused his interest a lot. Like, these two good friends were super intelligent, they had the same teacher, and they worked together and achieved great things. So my father kinda combined their names for mine, hoping that I’d be as smart as them.

2.How would you choose names for next generation?

I think I’m gonna go for simple and beautiful names. When your name is simple, people are more likely to remember it, like you’d definitely want people to say your name without any effort. And it’s also important for a name to sound beautiful, like every time people call your name, they’d pause and think for a second like: “wow, that’s a beautiful name. ” It can really impress people.

3.Are there any differences between how Chinese name their children now and in the past?

Well, in the past, like in the 50s/60s people were encouraged to have lots of children, like it was common for a couple to have 7/8 children, and back then, child mortality rate was high and many babies didn’t survive. People were not that educated and they didn’t really care what names their children had, as long as they could live. A lot of children had names that people would laugh at today. These days, most families have only one child, parents have high hopes for their child, they make sure to pick a name that means success, luck or other good things and sounds cool, too.

4.Does anyone in your family have the same name as you?

No. In China, family members don’t have the same name, it’s considered disrespectful for a child to have the same name with their elders. In the west, to give a child a name that another family member has/had is probably an act of honoring that family member but in China, it’s the opposite.


warring nations 战国

child mortality rate 儿童死亡率

have high hopes for 对…抱有很大期望

an act of doing sth 是一种…行为








Part 1:雅思口语新题的具体话题讲解

Part 2:如何从容顺利度过换题季

Part 3:Q&A答疑环节



1. 专业教师指导迷津,助你快速且顺利度过换题季


2. 真实新题上阵,分析话题考点


3. 直播讲座,让你有机会和TD名师直接交流






雅思口语题库Part1:真题高分示范文本/音频!|| 第38弹


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