为了更好地帮助正在备考 纸考SAT 的同学,尤其是6月考试的学员们,TD SAT教研组打算先送出一波儿福利, 赠送教材部分预测文章 供同学们复习 。领取方式见文末哦~

每年的春季,在北美有4场School Day SAT。4月12日的School Day是今年春季的第三场。TD SAT教研组这次精准命中了这套卷子阅读部分的3篇文章(小说+两篇自然科学)。我们说的精准命中,是指公众号“TD北美留学进化论”发布的文章和卷子上的Passage一模一样。


本公众号2022年11月2日发布的文章《一枚胸针(英汉对照)》的内容,完整包含了本次考试Passage 1小说的选段。我们照例介绍了小说的背景,给出了全文逐段翻译、注释和讲解。

TD SAT教研组2022年11月2日文章截图-1

TD SAT教研组2022年11月2日文章截图-2


本公众号2022年12月27日发布的文章《科学家研制出一种可弯可折可卷的新型电池(英汉对照)》的内容,和本次考试Passage 3的内容完全相同、一模一样。我们照例给出了全文逐段翻译、注释和讲解,还配上了能有效帮助同学们理解文章中较难懂的物理、化学知识的插图。

TD SAT教研组2022年12月27日文章截图

本套卷子TD的第三个精准命中: 本公众号2023年2月8日发布的文章《导致月球表面温度升高的正是测量该温度的宇航员自己(英汉对照)》的内容,和本次考试Passage 5的内容一模一样,完全相同。我们照例给出了全文逐段翻译、注释和讲解。

TD SAT教研组2023年2月8日文章截图



Passage 1 小说

节选自越南裔美国女作家阮毕明(Bich Minh Nguyen)的长篇小说《开拓者女孩》 (Pioneer Girl)。这位女作家1974年生于西贡,1975年1岁时随父母从越南坐船逃往关岛,后在密歇根州长大,成为知名作家。现任教于威斯康星州麦迪逊大学,2010年长篇小说《矮个子女孩》获美国国家图书奖。纸笔考SAT考试7年多了,亚裔(华裔、印度、韩国、日本)作家考得不少,但越南裔作家还是考得很少,这次好像是第一次考。考了一个词汇题,funny,别选项有comical和odd,应该选odd。本次考情回顾,我们保留了TD SAT背景知识课教材的英汉对照原样。

Ten years later, when my mother and grandfather fled Saigon for America, one of the few things they took with them was a small gold pin, engraved with a picture of a house, that had belonged to Rose. She had dropped it, perhaps, forgotten it. Left it sitting on the table where a plate would be. They had kept the pin safe, but Rose never came back.


When I was growing up my grandfather liked to tell these stories about Rose. Once in a while my mother joined in too. That big white lady with a purse and a notebook, she would say. All by herself, in Saigon, in a war. Her voice would take on a kind of tenderness, wonder, that I rarely heard otherwise.

后来我成长的过程中,从小到大,我外公就喜欢跟我讲这些和萝丝有关的故事。偶尔我妈妈也加入,也来跟我讲萝丝的故事。我妈妈总是会说“那个大个子美国白人女人,拿着一个包和一本笔记本,当时西贡在打仗,她自己一个(美国人)待在西贡”。说这些话的时候,我妈妈的声音会带上一种温柔和奇妙 感觉,我在其他情况下很少听到我妈妈的声音这样。

We would usually be packed in the car when they got to remembering like this, but I didn’t pay much attention until the time we moved from a town in southern Wisconsin to a town in central Illinois. I was eight years old and book-crazy, could read for stretches in the car without getting sick, while my brother, Sam, listened to the same music on his Discman over and over. Even then, at age nine, he had the ability to close himself down to everyone around him. That year, my obsession was the Little House on the Prairie box set my grandfather had given me for my birthday. As we drove toward our new town I imagined every farm we passed was Laura Ingalls Wilder’s and that I could see her, calico-bonneted, walking in wheat. I’d been following her, book to book, from childhood to adulthood when, one Christmas, her new fiancé Almanzo gave her a present.


There in a nest of white cotton lay a gold bar pin. On its flat surface was etched a little house, and before it along the bar lay a tiny lake, and a spray of grasses and leaves.“”一团白棉花里是一枚长条形的金胸针。胸针表面是平的,上面刻了一个小房子的图案,前面(胸针边沿)刻了一个小湖,已一小束草和树叶”。

It sounded just like Rose’s pin, the narrow shape and delicate weight I’d known from helping my mother clean her jewelry.

这听起来就是萝丝的胸针,也是细长形,纤巧,重量很轻。我帮我妈妈清洗她的首饰的时候 萝丝的胸针是什么样。

Outside, wildflowers along the road blurred together as my mother accelerated to pass a minivan. She was a faster driver than my grandfather, who liked to point out the semis ahead and keep a watch for police cars.



Ong Hai, I said, which was what we all called him. Listen to this. I read the description aloud.


How funny, he said. Isn’t that funny?


You read too much, my mother said to me.


I say Rose’s pin was a gift too, my grandfather went on. Even if by accident. Can’t refuse something like that.


My mother said nothing more, but I figured it must have meant the same for her. Why else would they have kept the pin, brought it to America?


We drove on, all of us confined together in the old Mercury. We were, if nothing else, accounted for and heading in the same direction. A new restaurant. A new town. A new apartment. My mother and grandfather would take turns behind the wheel, fiddling with the temperature controls. The urn that carried my father’s ashes rode up front with them. In the back, Sam and I stared out the windows at the electric wires leading us deeper into the big Midwest that was the only landscape we knew.


TD SAT教研组注:

这里account for的意思非常少使用:

(一般作 be accounted for)know the fate or whereabouts of (someone or something), especially after an accident


例句:Everyone was accounted for after the floods.


I decided to pretend that the two pins were the same, that Almanzo’s gift to Laura was not just based on a true story, but a real treasure now hidden away in my mother’s jewelry box. In books, characters were always keeping secrets. This would be one of mine. I didn’t know it would stay that way for years, waiting to be brought out into the light.


I went back to my books. My mother gripped the steering wheel; my grandfather searched the radio for weather and news. Sam leaned against his door, eyes closed, arms tucked beneath the marled blanket our mother had knitted the previous winter. Outside, the afternoon had long given in to clouds. We drove on, together, toward our next new home.


Passage 2 社会科学



在一个布满死寂已久的城市废墟的干涸峡谷中,考古学家有了一项发现,他们希望这能帮助解开古代秘鲁最顽固的谜团之一:如何阅读被称为 khipus 的打结绳记录。

在秘鲁利马市以南约 100 英里的印加瓦西遗址,挖掘机首次在使用它们的地方发现了几个 khipus——在这种情况下,是一个农产品储藏室,它们似乎被用作记账本,记录花生、辣椒、豆类、玉米等物品的进出量。

在某些情况下,绳结——2013 年在该地点发现的第一批绳结——被掩埋在具有数百年历史的农产品残骸下,由于极端干燥的沙漠条件,这些绳结得以保存下来。


Khipus 由一系列悬挂在主绳上的棉线或羊毛线制成。每根绳子可能有几个结,结的类型和位置传达了意义。用于制作绳子的股线的颜色和股线缠绕在一起的方式也可能是绳结人存储和传递信息系统的一部分。



现在,Incahuasi 的研究人员希望通过研究绳结斯并将它们与大型数据库中的其他绳结斯进行比较,他们可能会发现与花生一起发现的绳结斯包含一种颜色、结或其他表示“花生”的符号。与辣椒、豆类和玉米一起发现的食物也是如此。

“我们可以看看辣椒绳结与花生绳结和玉米绳结在颜色和其他特征方面有何不同,我们可以建立一种符号词汇表,说明它们如何在它们的世界中表示这个或那个东西”绳结斯研究的主要专家加里·厄顿 (Gary Urton) 说,他正在与领导这次发掘的考古学家亚历杭德罗·楚 (Alejandro Chu) 一起研究新的宝藏。


目前,来自印加瓦西的 29 具约有 500 年历史的 khipus 被保存在利马居民区一座不起眼的砖房里,还有一些来自其他发掘的文物,包括两具木乃伊(一个孩子和一条狗) ), 几袋人骨,许多易碎的纺织品卷在纸层之间,还有许多用碎片精心组装的罐子。

这所房子属于考古管理员帕特丽夏·兰达 (Patricia Landa),她还养着一群猫狗,其中包括三只曾被印加人饲养用作食物的无毛秘鲁狗。


“你与这些材料有着非常特殊的关系,”59 岁的兰达女士说。“我跟他们说话。我说,‘请原谅我打扰了你的休息,但你正在帮助我们了解你的祖先。’”

Incahuasi,意思是“印加皇帝的房子”,是 15 世纪末和 16 世纪初用作印加入侵秘鲁南部海岸的行动基地的城市,之后它成为一个繁荣的行政中心,据先生说. 楚,考古学家。它坐落在卡涅特河绿色山谷上方的干旱山丘上。



高度组织化并统治广大地区的印加人会使用 khipus 来跟踪规定,字符串记录的副本可能会被发送到行政中心,例如印加首都库斯科,在那里可以读取它们,检查并可能归档。印加瓦西遗址的发掘甚至发现了基本上是重复的绳结斯组合在一起的东西,研究人员认为,当相同的产品被计算两次时可能会产生这种现象——也许是为了保证簿记的准确性。

Landa 女士说,在现场发现的一个 khipu 的结已解开,这表明存储在那里的信息已被会计师“删除”,以便可以重新使用 khipu。



Passage 3 自然科学


Today’s electronics industry is increasingly focusing on computers or smartphones with screens that can be folded or rolled. Smart clothing items make use of wearable micro-devices or sensors to monitor bodily functions, for example. However, all these devices need an energy source, which is usually a lithium-ion battery. Unfortunately, commercial batteries are typically heavy and rigid, making it fundamentally unsuitable for applications in flexible electronics or textiles.

TD SAT教研组注:

rigid adj.不能弯折的(unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible)


A remedy for this problem is now being created by Markus Niederberger, Professor for Multifunctional Materials at ETH Zurich, and his team. The researchers have developed a prototype for a flexible thin-film battery that can be bent, stretched and even twisted without interrupting the supply of power.


What makes this new battery special is its electrolyte — that part of the battery through which lithium-ions move when the battery is charged or discharged. This electrolyte was discovered by ETH doctoral student Xi Chen, lead author of the study that recently appeared in the scientific journal Advanced Materials.

这种新电池的特别之处在于它所使用的电解质溶液。电池充电或放电时,电池内的锂离子在这种溶液中移动。这种电解质是由苏黎世联邦理工学院博士陈西(音)发现的,他是最近发表在学术杂志 《高级材料》上的这篇研究论文的第一作者。

Following the design of commercial batteries, this new type of battery is built in layers like a sandwich. However, it marks the first time that researchers have used flexible components to keep the whole battery bendable and stretchable. “To date, no one has employed exclusively flexible components as systematically as we have in creating a lithium-ion battery,” Niederberger says.

TD SAT教研组注:

这种新型电池沿用了一些商用电池的设计,整块电池像三明治一样分好几层(这一点不是首创)。但是,在这种电池上面,研究人员首次通过使用柔性组件,使得整个电池具有可弯曲和可拉伸性(这一点是首创)。 “迄今为止,还没有人像我们一样在制造锂离子电池时这样系统地使用柔性组件(且只使用柔性组件不使用非柔性组件),”尼德伯格说。

The two current collectors for the anode and the cathode consist of bendable polymer composite that contains electrically conductive carbon and that also serves as the outer shell. On the interior surface of the composite, the researchers applied a thin layer of micronsized silver flakes. Due to the way the flakes overlap like roof tiles, they don’t lose contact with one another when the elastomer is stretched. This guarantees the conductivity of the current collector even if it is subjected to extensive stretching. And in the event that the silver flakes do in fact lose contact with each other, the electrical current can still flow through the carbon-containing composite, albeit more weakly.


With the help of a mask, the researchers then sprayed anode and cathode powder onto a precisely defined area of the silver layer. The cathode is composed of lithium manganese oxide and the anode is a vanadium oxide.


In the final step, the scientists stacked the two current collectors with the applied electrodes on top of each other, separated by a barrier layer similar to a picture frame, while the gap in the frame was filled with the electrolyte gel.


Niederberger emphasises that this gel is environmentally more friendly than the commercial electrolytes: “Liquid electrolyte in today’s batteries are flammable and toxic.” In contrast, the gel electrolyte that his doctoral student Chen developed contains water with a high concentration of a lithium salt, which not only facilitates the flow of lithium ions between cathode and anode while the battery is charging or discharging, but also keeps the water from electrochemical decomposition.

尼德伯格强调,这种电解质凝胶比(现有的)商用电解质更环保:“目前商用电池中的液体电解质易燃且有毒。”相比之下,他的博士生陈西(音) 研发的电解质凝胶含有水,且所含的锂盐的浓度很高,这不仅有助于锂离子在电池充电或放电时在阴极和阳极之间流动,而且还可以防止水分被电解。

TD SAT教研组注:

in contrast 相比之下(when compared to another)

The scientists joined the various parts of their prototype together with adhesive. “If we want to market the battery commercially, we’ll have to find another process that will keep it sealed tight for a longer period of time,” Niederberger says.

因为这个电池目前只是原型,(所以粘合工艺还不是特别好),科学家们暂时是用粘合剂将原型的各个部分连接在一起。 尼德伯格说:“如果我们想将这种电池推向商业市场,我们就必须找到另一种(粘合)工艺来粘合这种电池(而不是像现在这样用粘合剂),使其能够更长时间保持密封。”

More and more applications for a battery like this are emerging every day. Well-known manufacturers of mobile phones are vying with each other to produce devices with foldable screens. Other possibilities include rollable displays for computers, smartwatches and tablets, or functional textiles that contain bendable electronics — and all of these require a flexible power supply. “For instance, you could sew our battery right into the clothing,” Niederberger says. What’s important is, in the event of battery leakage, to ensure that the liquids that come out cause no damage. This is where the team’s electrolyte offers a considerable advantage.

TD SAT教研组注:

vie(现在分词的形式为vying) vi. 竞争;相争(compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something)

例句:The athletes were vying for a place in the British team.


每天都在涌现出各种可能需要使用这种可弯折电池的产品(需要用到这种可弯折电池的地方越来越多)。知名手机厂商竞相生产屏幕可折叠的手机。其他需要用到这种电池的产品包括计算机、智能手表和平板电脑的可卷曲显示器、或包含可弯曲电子设备的功能性衣物——所有这些产品都需要可弯折的电池(来供电)。 “例如,你可以将我们的电池缝在衣服上,”尼德伯格说。重要的是,万一电池漏液,要能够确保流出的液体不会损坏设备(或伤害用户)。这就是这个团队研发的电解质溶液具有相当大优势的地方(这种电池即使发生漏液,也不会损坏设备或伤害用户)。

Passage 4 伟大文献(双篇)


Passage 5 自然科学


A new find may have solved an old mystery: what caused the anomalous heat readings from the instruments that Apollo astronauts left on the Moon?


In 1971 and 1972, the Apollo 15 and 17 missions deployed Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Packages (ALSEP) that included a set of Heat Flow Experiment (HFE) monitors. The ALSEP packages,designed to probe the lunar interior over an extended period of time, were powered by a plutonium radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) in order to survive through the two week long lunar night.

在1971 年和 1972 年(的两次探月活动中),“阿波罗 15 号”和 “阿波罗17 号”(分别在两个不同的着陆点)部署了“阿波罗系列月球表面实验成套设备” (ALSEP),其中包括一套热流动实验 (HFE) 监视器。研发“阿波罗系列月球表面实验系列设备”(ALSEP)的目的是在一段较长的时间持续探测月球内部。这一设备由一台钚放射性同位素热电发电机 (RTG) 提供电力(这种发动机发电能力很强,为的是应对月球上的超长夜晚。月球上一个夜晚的时长相当于地球上的两个多星期。发电力不强,设备就会被冻坏)。

The astronauts placed the HFE monitors a few meters into the lunar surface to access soil undisturbed by the month-long day/night cycle. Lunar scientists planned to use the data to measure the flow of heat from the Moon’s core to the surface, in hopes of characterizing geologic activity on the Moon.

宇航员把热流动实验 (HFE) 监视器放置在月球表面几米深的地方,以接触到不受月球上长达一个月的昼夜循环(月球一个白昼时长相当于地球上的两个多星期,一个夜晚也是)干扰的土壤。研究月球的科学家计划使用这些数据来测量从月球核心到表面的热的流动,以期把月球上的地质活动的特性找出来。

Surprisingly, investigators noticed that the temperature of the regolith increased gradually at both the Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 sites, by 1.8° to 3.6°F (1° to 2°C). The warming continued until the sensors fell silent in 1977. The thermal gradient decreased at both sites to the same degree, and the warming was more apparent at shallow depths than deeper down. The HFE sensors on the Moon were placed far enough away from the ALSEP RTG that radioactive heat wasn’t a factor — so what was warming up the soil?

令人惊讶的是,调查人员注意到,阿波罗 15 号着陆点和阿波罗 17 号着陆点(用仪器搞监测的两个地点)一带的表岩屑层(regolith)温度都随着时间的推移逐渐升高,升高了 1°至 2摄氏度。这种温度升高的情况一直持续到热流动实验 (HFE) 监视器的温度传感器在 1977 年停止工作。两个地点的热变化率(热变化率:不同深度的两点的温差与两点之间的距离之比)都以相同的程度下降,而且表岩屑层温度升高的现象在浅一些的位置比在深一些的位置更明显。而热流动实验 (HFE) 监视器的温度传感器都放在了离给其供电的钚放射性同位素热电发电机 (RTG)足够远的地方,因此表岩屑层温度升高的现象应该不是发电机的辐射热造成的——那么究竟是什么让表岩屑层的温度升高了呢?

TD SAT教研组注 :


A hint came from mission differences in sensor placement: Apollo 15 astronauts had a problem drilling into the lunar soil and weren’t able to reach the targeted 2.5-meter depth for their HFE sensor. Apollo 17 featured an improved drilling mechanism, and the astronauts were able to place the sensor deeper. In fact, data from the Apollo 15 sensors was not considered valid until it was compared with Apollo 17 sensors years later. Astronauts installed a number of different sensors a multiple depths at both the Apollo 15 and 17 sites.

解答这个疑问的一个提示来自阿波罗15号和阿波罗17号两次探月行动在传感器放置方面的差异:在执行阿波罗 15 号探月行动时,宇航员在月球土壤钻孔时遇到了问题,本来想把温度传感器放到地表以下2.5米深的地方,但是失败了,只放在了地表以下不到2.5米深的地方。在执行阿波罗 17 号探月行动时,宇航员改进了钻孔机制,宇航员成功地把将传感器放到了地表以下2.5处。事实上,阿波罗 15 号埋下的传感器采集的数据一开始被认为无效的,直到多年后与阿波罗 17 号埋下的传感器采集的数据进行了比较,前者的数据才被认为也是有效的。(不过)无论是阿波罗 15 号探月行动,还是阿波罗 17 号探月行动,宇航员们都在着陆点的地表以下多个深度不同的地方安放了传感器(都不是只在一个深度安放了传感器)。

Remarkably, the shallower sensors saw the anomalous heating first — just what you would expect if the heating mechanism was coming from the surface instead of the core below.

非常显著的一个现象是,那些安放在深度较浅的地方的传感器,最先出现显示表岩屑层该深度处的温度异常升高的情况——如果导致升温的原因来自月球表面,而不是月球的内核,才会出现这样的现象(TD SAT教研组注:本来大家的第一感觉是,月球的表面温度升高,最大的可能应该是月球的内核温度升高,然后从内核传导到表面来的,但这次观察到的现象显示,升温的源头不是月球的内核)。

Now, a new study published in the American Geophysical Union’s Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets uses data recovered from the mid-1970s to demonstrate the cause of this anomalous heating: the astronauts themselves.

现在,发表在美国地球物理联合会的《地球物理研究·行星分刊》上的一篇论文,介绍了一项新研究,该研究使用从 20 世纪 70 年代中期恢复的书,证明了月球表岩屑层出现温度升高的异常现象的原因:宇航员们自己。

“In the process of installing the instruments, you may actually end up disturbing the surface thermal environment of the place where you want to make some measurements,” Seiichi Nagihara (Texas Tech University) related in a recent AGU blog post.


The study wouldn’t have been possible without some detective work. NASA had only archived data from 1971 to 1974, storing it on magnetic tape at the National Space Science Data Center at the Goddard Spaceflight Center in Greenbelt Maryland. But the data collected in later years had gone missing.

如果不是做了一些侦探性的工作,最新的这项研究是不可能做成的(言下之意就是这次做了些侦探性的、找东西的工作)。 美国航空航天局仅存档了 1971 年至 1974 年的数据,存储在磁带上,放在位于马里兰州格林贝尔特戈达德航天中心的国家空间科学数据中心。但是1974年之后收集的数据找不到了。

A breakthrough came when researchers discovered an additional set of 440 archive tapes at the Washington National Records Center in Suitland, Maryland. Then researchers came across a set of weekly logs with hundreds of heat-flow temperature readings that filled in the gaps from 1973 to 1977. These logs had been stored at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, Texas.

TD SAT教研组注:

come across 偶然遇见;偶然发现 meet or find by chance

例句: I came across these old photos recently.


(数据不全就无法开展研究),好在研究人员在马里兰州苏特兰的华盛顿国家记录中心发现了另外一套 440 盘磁带,研究总算取得了突破。然后,研究人员又偶然发现了一组周志,其中包含数百个热流动温度读数,填补了 1973 年至 1977 年的空白。这些周志存储在德克萨斯州休斯顿市的月球与行星研究所。

The additional data solved the mystery of the warming Moon: as the astronauts walked and drove the lunar rover around the site, they disturbed the Moon’s smooth surface. The rumpled surface better absorbed heat from the sunlight.

TD SAT教研组注:

rumple vt. 弄皱,压皱;弄乱 give a creased, ruffled, or dishevelled appearance to

For those who often look up at the Moon, this conclusion may seem odd at first. We know that even though the full Moon appears to be abright pearly white, its albedo or reflectivity is actually quite low (12% on average), about the same as worn asphalt. Astronauts described Moon dust as comparable in color and texture to coal dust. The material darkens over time due to interaction with the solar wind, a process called space weathering. Beneath this dark surface coating is more reflective material — this is why bright ejecta rays surround newer craters, as the impact has excavated brighter material from underneath the surface. So one might think that disturbing the surface would expose brighter material.

对于经常抬头看月亮的人来说,这个结论乍一听似乎有些奇怪。我们知道,尽管满月看起来是明亮的珍珠白色,但它的反射率实际上非常低(平均为 12%),与磨损的沥青表面大致相同。根据宇航员的描述,月球上尘土的颜色和质地和煤尘相近。由于与太阳风的相互作用,这种尘土会随着时间的推移而变暗,这一过程称为太空风化。在这种深色最表面一层尘土的下面一层是反射性更强一些的尘土。为什么较新形成的陨石坑四周会出现明亮的喷射射线?正是因为陨石的撞击从月球表面下方挖掘/撞出了更亮一些的尘土(反射性更强一些的尘土),撞到最表面来了(TD SAT教研组,可以理解为犁地,把深一些的土翻到表面来了)。有人可能会认为,航天员在月球表明行走和开车,弄皱弄乱了月球表面,会把深一些的、更亮一些的尘土搞到了最表面。

However, even though it’s more reflective, the regolith underneath the dusty surface is coarser — and pebbles can hold on to heat for longer than fine dust can. So as the astronauts disturbed the dust, they exposed this coarser, more heat-absorbent material, and warmed the surface.


“A key piece of information was the photographic images obtained by the Lunar Rconnaisance Orbiter (LRO) camera,” says Nagihara. The LRO had photographed the Apollo landing sites from low lunar orbit, providing evidence that backs up the temperature readings. “The images show that the places where the astronauts walked and drove their rovers turned darker, absorbing more solar heat than brighter soil.”

“一项关键信息是月球勘测轨道飞行器 (LRO) 相机拍到的一些照片,” 凪原精一说。LRO 相机从低月球轨道拍摄了阿波罗号着陆点,提供了证据,能够证明热流动实验 (HFE) 监视器的温度传感器所获取的温度读数是没错的。“这些照片显示,宇航员行走过和驾驶车辆经过的地方的颜色要暗一些,这些地方因而比其他没被宇航员走过的、更明亮的土壤会吸收更多的太阳光热量。”

This finding will impact how experiments are placed on the Moon in the future. “Whenever we deploy or land something on the Moon, it alters the surface thermal environment of that vicinity,” says Nagihara. “Scientists and engineers need to take that into consideration in designing the next generation of heat flow instrumentation for future lunar landing missions.”

这一发现将对未来在月球上进行实验的方式产生较大影响。 “(现在我们知道了)每当我们在月球上部署或降落某些东西时,它都会改变周围的表面热环境,” 凪原精一说。“科学家和工程师在为未来的登月任务设计下一代热流仪器时,需要考虑到这一点。”






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