


Some people think that the use of mobile (cell) phones should be banned in public places such as in libraries, shops and on public transport. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?




1. **Noise Disturbance:** Mobile phone conversations can be noisy and disruptive in quiet environments like libraries or theaters, disturbing those who are seeking a peaceful atmosphere. 电子设备发出的声音会打扰别人

2. **Respect for Others:** Banning phone use can promote respect and consideration for others. It encourages people to be mindful of how their actions affect those around them. 体现出对别人的尊重

3. **Reduced Distraction:** Banning mobile phones in places like classrooms or theaters can reduce distractions and help individuals focus on the task at hand. 减少分心


1.**Communication:** Mobile phones are crucial for communication and can be essential in emergencies. Banning them could hinder people’s ability to stay connected and seek help when needed. 交流的重要工具,尤其是发生一些紧急情况的时候

2. **Personal Freedom:** Banning mobile phone usage infringes on personal freedom and the right to use one’s property as they see fit. 使用电子设备是个人的自由,不能随意被剥夺

3.**Information Access:** Mobile phones provide access to information, the internet, and various resources. Banning them could limit people’s access to knowledge and services. 该政策会阻碍人们获取知识


Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




1.**Public Good:** Government control can ensure that research is conducted in the best interest of society. Scientific discoveries often have far-reaching consequences, and governments can prioritize research that benefits the public good. 政府是站在人民的立场上的,更能给人民带来最大的利益

2.**Resource Allocation:** Governments have the ability to allocate resources more effectively. They can fund research in areas that might not be profitable for private companies but are vital for scientific progress. 政府有能力进行资源的整合


1.**Efficiency:** Private companies may be more efficient in conducting research. They have a profit incentive to develop marketable products and technologies quickly. 公司的效率更高

2.*Innovation:** Private companies can be more innovative because they need to stay competitive and generate profits. This drive for innovation can lead to breakthroughs in technology and science. 公司的创新力更强,会带来更大的突破


Somepeople think that printed books are no longer needed in the digital era, because all writing can be stored electronically. Others think printed books will still play an important role. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Printed Books Are No Longer Needed:

1.**Environmental Concerns:** Advocates of this view argue that printing books consumes significant resources and contributes to deforestation. They contend that reducing printed materials is essential for environmental sustainability. 从环保角度考虑,电子设备不会造成纸张的浪费,也不会加剧森林退化

2.**Convenience:** E-books and digital texts are easily accessible on various devices, such as e-readers, tablets, and smartphones. Readers can carry an entire library with them without the bulk of physical books. 电子设备更方便携带

3.**Searchability:** Digital texts allow for easy searching and instant access to specific information, making them preferable for research and reference purposes. 方便随时获取想获得的知识

Printed Books Still Have an Important Role:

1. **Tangible Experience:** Printed books offer a sensory experience that digital texts cannot replicate. Many readers enjoy the smell, feel, and visual appeal of physical books. 纸质书有更好的读书体验

2.**Reduced Screen Time:** In a world where people spend a significant portion of their day looking at screens, printed books provide a welcome break and an opportunity to disconnect from technology. 相比电子读物,减少对眼睛的损害

3.**Collectibility:** Physical books can be collectibles, cherished items passed down through generations. They hold sentimental value and can be part of a family’s history. 纸质书有收藏价值










