


The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




1.Innovation and Adaptability: Young leaders often bring innovative thinking and adapt quickly to changing market conditions and technological advancements. They may be more willing to take calculated risks to push an organization forward into new territories. 创造力和适应能力更强

2.Energy and Drive: Younger leaders can bring a certain dynamism and energy to a leadership role. They often possess a high level of motivation and the drive to achieve significant milestones early in their careers, which can be contagious across the organization. 更有能量和动力

3.Current Perspectives: Young leaders are typically more attuned to current societal trends and consumer behaviors, especially among their peers. This insight can be crucial for organizations looking to stay relevant and engage with newer generations of consumers and employees. 更与时俱进


1.Experience and Wisdom: Older leaders often have a wealth of experience to draw from, having faced numerous business cycles, crises, and industry changes. This experience can translate into wisdom, allowing them to make informed decisions and provide steady guidance. 更有经验和智慧

2.Network and Influence: With age often comes a broader professional network and established relationships within an industry. Older leaders can leverage these connections for strategic partnerships and mentorship opportunities within the organization. 社交圈和影响力更大

3.Risk Management: Older leaders may have a more cautious approach to risk, which can be beneficial in ensuring the longevity and sustainability of an organization. Their past experiences can make them skilled at foreseeing potential pitfalls and navigating through them strategically. 更容把控风险


Some people believe that the best way to become successful in life is to get university education, while others disagree and reckon that nowadays this is no longer true. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


这是一道教育类话题,考察内容也比较常规,问的是大学教育是不是唯一的成功方式,审题上需要注意围绕university education进行展开哦,不能只谈论教育整体;破题思路可以从知识/技能/品质/个人发展等角度切入;其次是我们要注意的是这道题是双边讨论题型,需要我们围绕题目中两个观点给出其合理性的探讨,不能反驳哈~反驳内容可以放在own opinion当中给出。


1.Knowledge and skills – A university education exposes students to new concepts, ideas, and ways of thinking that they may not encounter elsewhere. Coursework allows students to gain in-depth knowledge and develop skills in a field that can be applied in future careers. This expertise and skillset can set university graduates apart. 获得知识和技能

2.Critical thinking – The challenging coursework at universities emphasizes critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and problem solving. These abilities to think critically are invaluable skills that graduates can carry into their professional lives. 批判性思维

3.Personal growth – University allows students to learn more about themselves and the world, grow intellectually and emotionally, and gain maturity. This personal expansion contributes to future success. 对个人成长有帮助


1.Real-world experience is crucial – No matter how much theoretical knowledge is gained, real hands-on experience starting a business, developing skills, or working in an industry can often be more important for cultivating success. University alone does not provide this. 实践经验更重要

2.Cost and debt – The high costs of tuition and student debt can actually hinder financial success and future opportunities. Education costs must be weighed. 教育费用昂贵,需要权衡考虑

3.Alternate education options – From vocational schools to bootcamps to online learning, there are more options than ever to gain skills and credentials for a career without university. These can provide more targeted and practical training. 其它实现成功的选择


Ambition is a positive quality for people to have in many societies today. How important is it for people who want to succeed in life? Is it a positive or negative characteristic?




1.Motivation – Ambitious people have high levels of drive and motivation. Their desire for achievement pushes them to work hard, persevere through challenges, and put in long hours required to excel. Without ambition, it’s easy to become complacent. 有动力持续进步

2.Vision – Ambition helps provide a clear vision and direction for success. Ambitious individuals identify their goals and dreams and can visualize the steps to make them a reality. This vision keeps them focused. 更有清晰的目标

3.Resilience – Ambitious people are able to pick themselves up after setbacks and failures on the path to success. Their desire helps them bounce back rather than give up when things get tough. 遇到挫折更容易坚持下去











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