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GRE阅读机经真题Passage 57

Recent studies of the Philippine fruit bat fauna have confirmed some previous hypotheses regarding bats on oceanic islands: for example, species richness[ the number of different species in a particular area] and abundance are generally highest in the lowlands and decrease with increasing elevation. With few exceptions, each endemic species [species native to a particular place] is restricted to the modern islands that made up a single island during periods of low sea level, and genetic differentiation has been influenced by the ecology of the species and the current and past geographic and geological conditions. However, far more previous hypotheses have been overturned than supported. Some endemic Philippine species use disturbed habitat as extensively as nonendemic species that are widespread in Southeast Asia. Levels of genetic variation within all species are high, not low, and rather than showing evidence of an intrinsic vulnerability to extinction from natural causes, independent lineages of these bats have persisted in rather small areas for very long periods of time(often millions of years) in spite of frequent typhoons and volcanic eruptions. While colonization from outside areas has clearly contributed to the high species richness, speciation within the archipelago has contributed at least a quarter of the total species richness, including many of the most abundant species.



Recent studies of the Philippine fruit bat fauna have confirmed some previous hypotheses regarding bats on oceanic islands: for example, species richness[ the number of different species in a particular area] and abundance are generally highest in the lowlands and decrease with increasing elevation. With few exceptions, each endemic species [species native to a particular place] is restricted to the modern islands that made up a single island during periods of low sea level, and genetic differentiation has been influenced by the ecology of the species and the current and past geographic and geological conditions.


最近一些关于菲律宾果蝠fauna的研究,印证了一些以前就被提出来了的关于“生活在大洋岛屿上的各种蝙蝠”的理论假说(菲律宾果腹属于一种bats on oceanic islands)。例如,之前有个理论假说认为,一般在海拔低的地区,bats on oceanic islands的物种种类和数量最多,随着海拔的升高,物种种类和数量也就会降低。最近对菲律宾果蝠的研究表明,菲律宾果蝠确实是这样。再例如,之前还有个理论假说认为,某个岛屿上的一种蝙蝠就始终生活在本地那个岛屿上,不会跑到别的岛屿上去,且对果蝠的基因变化有影响的是两个因素,一个是该种蝙蝠所处的生态环境,另一个是该种蝙蝠目前所处和历史上的地理和地质条件。最近对菲律宾果蝠的研究表明,菲律宾果蝠确实是这样。注:
为什么Philippine fruit bat后面还要加fauna,而不说Philippine fruit bats。
因为fauna还可以指“不同时期的全部动物”,也就是这个研究还研究了Philippine fruit bats的历史。bats on oceanic islands是一大类蝙蝠,其中一小类叫Philippine fruit bats(里面还是有很多种,我们查了原文,一共是26种,其中有些是菲律宾本地的,就叫endemic,还有些是后来移居菲律宾的,就叫non-endemic)菲律宾由非常多的岛屿组成。很久以前的古时候,海平面比现在要低很多,所以那时候菲律宾是一整块连着的陆地(现在海平面升高了,菲律宾的各个岛屿在水下仍然是相连的,在水上看起来就是一个个的小岛了)。


However, far more previous hypotheses have been overturned than supported. Some endemic Philippine species use disturbed habitat as extensively as nonendemic species that are widespread in Southeast Asia. Levels of genetic variation within all species are high, not low, and rather than showing evidence of an intrinsic vulnerability to extinction from natural causes, independent lineages of these bats have persisted in rather small areas for very long periods of time(often millions of years) in spite of frequent typhoons and volcanic eruptions. While colonization from outside areas has clearly contributed to the high species richness, speciation within the archipelago has contributed at least a quarter of the total species richness, including many of the most abundant species.


上面说了最近对菲律宾果蝠的研究,印证了一些理论假说。但是这个研究推翻的理论假说,还要多得多。例如,之前有个理论假说认为,遇到栖息地被破坏,环境发生突变的情况,菲律宾的本地蝙蝠不能像非本地蝙蝠(东南亚)那样大规模地利用被破坏的栖息地(disturbed habitat)。最近对菲律宾果蝠的研究发现,菲律宾的本地蝙蝠也可以这样做。再例如,之前有个理论假说认为,各蝠种的基因变异的程度很低,且很容易因为自然灾害而灭绝。最近对菲律宾果蝠的研究发现,各蝠种的基因变异的程度很高,且有些蝙蝠在很小的地区(尽管频繁遇到台风和火山喷发等自然灾害)坚持存活了很长时间(通常是几百万年)都没灭绝。再举第三个例子,之前有个理论假说认为,现在菲律宾果蝠的物种这么丰富,主要是因为历史上非本地蝙蝠移居(colonization)到菲律宾这种情况做的贡献大,本地蝙蝠自己进化分化成多个小种(speciation)这种情况贡献很少。最近对菲律宾果蝠的研究发现,历史上非本地蝙蝠移居到菲律宾这种情况确实做了贡献,但本地蝙蝠自己进化分化成多个小种这种情况其实贡献也蛮大,现存四分之一的蝠种(其中包括很多数量最多的蝠种),都是来自于后面那种情况(speciation)。


1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. draw on studies of the Philippine fruit bat in proposing a new theory regarding bats on oceanic islands

B. show how recent research on the Philippine fruit bat reflects debates about bats on oceanic islands

C. argue for the relevance of certain new evidence pertaining to the Philippine fruit bat or the study of bats on oceanic islands

D. discuss recent investigations of Philippines fruit bat in the light of conventional wisdom regarding bats on oceanic islands

E. explain why the Philippine fruit bat is atypical among bats on oceanic islands in terms of genetic variation



A“利用对菲律宾果蝠研究的信息来提出一个关于bats on oceanic islands的新理论”

B“展示最近对菲律宾果蝠研究是怎样反映了(科学家们)关于bats on oceanic islands的争辩的”
意思是,关于bats on oceanic islands这一大类蝙蝠,已经有两派观点在争辩。菲律宾果蝠属于bats on oceanic islands这一大类蝙蝠的一小类,作者写这篇文章是为了以科学家们关于菲律宾果蝠存在debate,来反应科学家们关于bats on oceanic islands这一大类蝙蝠,存在debate。文章没有提到存在debate,作者也不是想通过菲律宾果蝠的debate来反映更大领域的debate。所以B选项错误。

C“有人说有些有关菲律宾果蝠或bats on oceanic islands的证据,是不相关的、不切题的(irrelevant)。即作者写这篇文章是为了帮这些证据说话,说这些证据是相关的、切题的”

D“从一些关于bats on oceanic islands的普遍接受的观点(即原有的一些hypothesis)的角度讨论最近对菲律宾果蝠的研究”
被印证的、被推翻的理论假说,都是关于bats on oceanic islands的理论假说,所以都属于conventional wisdom regarding bats on oceanic islands。所以D选项正确。

E“解释为什么从基因变化的角度看,菲律宾果蝠在bats on oceanic islands这一大类蝙蝠,是非典型的
文章并没有说菲律宾果蝠在某方面atypical,其他bats on oceanic islands就typical。所以E选项错误。


  • draw on sth 利用,依赖(信息或知识)
    to use information or your knowledge of something to help you do something
    例句:His novels draw heavily on his childhood.他的小说大多取材于自己的童年经历。
    She had a wealth of experience to draw on.她有丰富的经验可资借鉴。
  • in the light of 从……的视角;根据……的观点
    from the point of view
    请注意 in the light of 和in light of 的意思完全不同。in light of的意思是“鉴于;由于”(because or as a result of)
    还请注意 conventional wisdom不能翻译成“传统智慧”,这个词组是一个idiom意思是“关于某事物普遍接受的观点、判断或预测”(the generally accepted belief, opinion, judgment, or prediction about a particular matter)
    例句:Conventional wisdom in Hollywood says that a movie can’t succeed unless it stars a famous actor or actress.好莱坞有一个普遍接受的观点,认为如果一部电影一个男影星或女影星都没有,就无法取得成功。


2. The primary function of the highlighted text is to

A. identify a finding from the Philippine fruit bat studies that will have a significant impact on how oceanic bats generally are viewed.

B. point out a hypothesis that has been the subject of considerable disagreement among researchers studying oceanic bats.

C. present evidence that is difficult to reconcile with other recent findings regarding the Philippine fruit bat.

D. illustrate a widely held view about oceanic bats generally that was confirmed by the Philippine fruit bat studies.

E. identify a feature of the Philippine fruit bat that does not appear to apply to oceanic bats generally.




A“指出一个由对菲律宾果蝠研究得来的结论,这个结论将将对人们通常对oceanic bats这一大类蝙蝠的看法都产生很大的影响”

B“指出一个理论假说,一直以来,研究oceanic bats的研究人员有很大不同观点的,就是关于这个理论假说(对还是不对)



E“指出菲律宾果蝠的一个特征,这个特征并不能普遍适用于其他oceanic bats”(我们打个比方,这个选项的意思是,指出菲律宾果蝠睡觉时喜欢单腿倒挂在岩洞顶部,而其他oceanic bats并不是单腿倒挂,而是双腿倒挂)


3. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the “recent studies”?

A. They point to the need for a significantly revised perspective on oceanic island bats generally.

B. They were undertaken with the assumption that Philippine fruit bats were somewhat atypical among oceanic bats.

C. They remain somewhat controversial among researchers because of the number of standard hypotheses that they tested.

D. They have largely confirmed what scientists thought about the Philippine fruit bat.

E. They suggest that bats on oceanic islands are more vulnerable to extinction than previously thought.



A“表明对oceanic island bats这一大类蝙蝠的看法,确实需要大大修正一下了”根据文章第二部分第一句话,最近(对菲律宾果蝠)的研究对之前的理论假说,更多是推翻,所以A选项正确。

B“做这个研究的时候,研究人员事先就有一个assumption,认为菲律宾果蝠在oceanic island bats这一大类蝙蝠当中,是非典型的一类”



E“表明bats on oceanic islands这一大类蝙蝠比先前想的要更容易灭绝”



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