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 Part 2

Describe a place you visited on vacation and would like to recommend to others.

Where it is

When you went there

What you did there

And explain why you would to recommend it to others

I would like to talk about my trip to the UK back in 2018 for my spring festival vacation. I had about 10 days off and some of my friends were planning a trip to the UK and they just invited me. I was like, why not, might as well just give myself a little treat after having worked hard for a whole year.

We of course visited a lot of tourist attractions in the UK, the London Bridge, the British Museum, the Borough Market, the London Eye, they were all exciting, but what impressed me the most was the shopping mall Harrods. Probably because I spent way more time (and money) there than in the other places.

Entering Harrods was like entering a museum, I was especially amazed by its Egyptian decor, it felt like setting foot in the pharaoh’s grand palace the minute I walked in. I was met with a giant statue of the pharaoh right ahead guarded by two marble columns carved with images you often see inside a Pyramid from those documentaries and movies. Everything was in this golden light, it felt extravagant and also a bit intimidating.

I didn’t exactly plan to go on a shopping spree there, I just wandered around with my friends, checking out the latest fashion, while my friends really shopped their hearts out. As much as I tried to exert some self control, I left Harrods with a suitcase, a travel bag and some gifts for friends and family, which amounted to a few thousand pounds. What can I say, the commodities were too enticing and the service was…top-notch. I just couldn’t resist it.

I think I would recommend Harrods to anyone who visits London, I’m sure they’ll have a wonderful experience there.


treat 款待

pharaoh 法老

marble column 大理石柱

go on a shopping spree 大买特买

shop sb’s heart out 买地开心

exert self control 进行自控

amount to 总计

top notch 一流的

Part 3

How do people make friends in China?

In China, just like the rest of the world, we often meet new friends through a mutual friend or relatives. This is the most comfortable way to be introduced to new people. Like, you already have something in common and it’s a lot easier to build trust and develop your friendship, sometimes, you can even take things to the next level and start dating.

We’d also look for like-minded people to be friends with on social media, no matter how eccentric you might be, there’s always another you out there somewhere on the internet. You are always able to find people who get you when others around you don’t.

On what occasions do people like to make friends?

Well, definitely at parties, I mean, the whole point of going to a party is to have fun, to meet new friends. You are supposed to mingle at parties. With food and drinks, people loosen up and are readier to socialize.

I think people also like to make friends on travels, especially when traveling in a foreign country. Visitors especially whose who travel solo are happy to make friends with other travelers, like they can explore things together and share experiences. You know, I have made quite a few friends in this way and we still keep in touch.

Is it important to have the same hobbies and interests when making friends?

It is super important. People with the same hobbies and interests are drawn to each other naturally, they just click with each other. Because friends are people you enjoy spending time with, I mean, when you have the same hobbies and interests, there’s so much to talk about, you can talk all day long without getting bored. You’d always love to have someone who gets you and speaks your language.

Otherwise, I don’t think a friendship will ever happen in the first place, it’d be very awkward to pretend to be interested in something that someone talks about that actually puts you to sleep. You’d wanna get out of there as fast as possible.

What qualities make true friends?

True friends definitely support each other during difficult times. As they always say, a friend in need is a friend indeed. I mean, when you are successful and having it good, you are surrounded by people who call themselves your friends but when you fail most of them will leave. True friends will always be there for you, through ups and downs.

Another thing life has taught me is that true friends know boundaries. They don’t feel the need to pry into your life. They let you come to them, open up to them, instead of forcing you to share.


take sth to next level 让某事更进一步

mutual friend 共同的朋友

like-minded 志趣相投的

mingle 交往,交谈(v)

loosen up 放松(v)

click (人)谈的来(v)

speak sb’s language 懂某人

ups and downs (人生)起起落落

know boundaries 知道界限

pry 打探(隐私等)(v)









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