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Part 2

1.Describe the first day you went to school that you remember

You should say:

Where the school was

How you went there

What happened that day

And how you felt on that day

I would like to describe the first day I went to primary school.

My school was located in a busy area of Beijing, surrounded by shops, restaurants and residential buildings. I went there to study because l just lived nearby. It was a 15min walk.

You know, I intended to walk to school on my first day. However, my parents believed that I was too little and they should keep me company. So, we went there together. As we walked, I just felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. You know, I had heard so much about primary school and was eager to see what it was like.

When I arrived at the school, I saw a large gate with a sign above it welcoming pupils to the school. I just walked through the gate and into a large courtyard where other students were gathered. During the day, I had a tour of the school and met my teachers and classmates. I was assigned a desk in a classroom, which I would be sharing with another student. Therefore, we were asked to introduce ourselves to the rest of the class, which made me feel a little shy, but also excited to meet new people.

Overall, I was happy to be in a new environment and to have the opportunity to learn and make new friends. Plus, I wore my new school uniform, which made me feel proud and grown-up. I also noticed the other students were wearing the same uniform as me, which made me feel more comfortable.


1.residential buildings:住宅
2.keep sb company:陪伴
3.feel a mix of excitement and nervousness:既兴奋又紧张
4.school uniform:校服

Part 3

1.Why do people sometimes go to other cities or other countries to travel?

People sometimes go to other cities or other countries to travel because they want to broaden their horizons and experience different cultures. You know, the grass is always greener on the other side. People often have a curiosity about what life is like in other places. For example, they may want to see famous landmarks, try new foods, or meet people from different backgrounds. Plus, it is a good way for them to relax and get away from the hustles and bustles.

2.Why are historical cities popular?

Historical cities are popular because they offer a glimpse into the past and allow people to connect with their cultural heritage. You know, history repeats itself. Therefore, people can learn from the mistakes and successes of those who came before them. Additionally, historical cities often have unique architecture and a sense of charm that can be appealing to tourists.

3.Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?


Yes, tourists may come across bad things in other cities, such as theft, scams, or natural disasters. Travelers should always be prepared for the possibility of unexpected events. To avoid potential dangers, it’s important to do research beforehand, stay aware of their surroundings, and take necessary precautions. I mean, always keep your belongings and never go out alone when it is too late.

4.Do most people like planned travelling?

Well, I think it really depends. Some people like planned traveling because it offers a sense of security and helps them avoid unexpected problems. You know, better safe than sorry. Many people may prefer to have a detailed itinerary to ensure they don’t miss out on anything. However, other people prefer more spontaneous travel, where they can be more flexible and go with the flow. You know, the unexpected is always surprising and people may bump into something new and interesting without plans.

5.Why is the noise pollution worse in tourism cities than in other cities?

The noise pollution is worse in tourism cities than in other cities because of the high volume of visitors and increased activity. You know, a city that never sleeps. I mean, many tourism cities are often bustling with activity 24/7. For example, there may be constant traffic, construction, and crowds of people talking and making noise. This can be a challenge for both tourists and locals who are looking for peace and quiet.


1.broaden one’s horizon:开拓眼界
2.the grass is always greener on the other side:这山望着那山高
3.get away from the hustles and bustles:远离尘世的喧嚣
4.cultural heritage:文化遗产
5.offer a glimpse into:短暂的体会
6.keep your belongings:保管好随身物品
7.a sense of security:安全感
8.better safe than sorry:小心驶得万年船
9.bump into:偶然遇到
10.a city that never sleeps:不夜城







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2023年1-4月雅思口语提分备考Part1&2&3题库真题范文/音频:Part1&2&3 |第63弹