


In some countries, there is not enough recycling of waste materials (e.g. paper, glass and cans). What are the reasons and solutions?


题目强调了废物材料(如纸张、玻璃和易拉罐),注意题目中列举的”paper,glass and cans”等废料在回收后需要技术加工才能再次利用。因此,在思考原因和论点时,除了泛泛地考虑”人们环保意识不足”,还可以从金钱和技术两个方面补充论点。再考虑到题干中提到的”In some countries”这一信息,这个金钱和技术方面的论点可以很好地解释这一现象,比如一些欠发达地区。



1. **Lack of Awareness:** Many people in these countries may not fully understand the importance of recycling or the impact of not doing it. They might not be aware of the environmental benefits. 缺乏意识

2. **Inadequate Infrastructure:** Some countries may lack the necessary recycling infrastructure, such as recycling centers or collection programs. This makes it difficult for people to recycle even if they want to. 缺乏相关设施

3. **Economic Factors:** Inefficient recycling processes may not be cost-effective for businesses or municipalities. They may opt for cheaper disposal methods instead. 经济因素


1. **Education and Awareness:** Launch public awareness campaigns to educate citizens about the environmental benefits of recycling. Schools can also include recycling education in their curriculum. 加强宣传教育

2. **Improved Infrastructure:** Invest in recycling infrastructure, such as recycling bins, collection trucks, and recycling centers. Make recycling more accessible to the public. 改善相关设施

3. **Incentives:** Provide economic incentives for recycling, such as tax breaks for businesses that recycle or cash rewards for citizens who return recyclables. 提供物质激励


Young people who commit crimes should be treated in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


这次考试考了平常很少考到的犯罪类话题。在审题时,我们需要注意题目中的young people 应该理解为和adult相对的未成年人,犯罪以后不会像成年人那样承担后果的人;commit serious crimes这里要注意的是严重的犯罪行为



1. **Accountability and Deterrence:** Treating young offenders as adults can hold them accountable for their actions and deter them from committing crimes. The fear of facing adult consequences may discourage criminal behavior. 威慑力,减少犯罪率

2. **Consistency in Justice:** Treating all offenders equally, regardless of age, ensures consistency in the justice system. It avoids the perception of leniency for young offenders. 保证公平性

3. **Public Safety:** In cases of serious crimes, treating young offenders as adults can protect society by keeping potentially dangerous individuals off the streets. 维护社会稳定


1. **Developmental Differences:** Young people’s brains are not fully developed, especially in areas related to impulse control and decision-making. They should be treated differently, considering their developmental stage. 未成年还没有发育完善

2. **International Standards:** Many international human rights standards advocate for special treatment of young offenders, recognizing their vulnerability and the need for rehabilitation. 国际标准强调未成年的特殊性

3. **Recidivism Risk:** Treating young offenders as adults may increase the risk of reoffending. Exposure to adult criminals in prison can lead to more criminal behavior. 可能会增加犯罪率


Some people think more public money should be spent on roads and motorways than the public transport system. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


这道题是一道比较经典的政府投资类题目,先理解清楚public money代表公款,政府或者公共机构使用的资金,由纳税人提供;其次理解区分题目中的roads and motorways 和public transport system分别指什么,roads and motorways指公路或者高速路,通常情况下是有更多private cars或者trucks, public transport system指公共交通,通常有更多的buses或者underground,在展开文章的时候,注意结合两者对比进行论证,体现出审题更全面。



1. **Improved Mobility:** Investing in roads and motorways can enhance individual mobility, providing convenience for people who rely on personal vehicles for daily commuting. 带来便利

2. **Economic Growth:** Expanding road infrastructure can stimulate economic growth by improving transportation of goods and services, reducing logistical costs for businesses. 促进经济发展

3. **Reduced Congestion:** Better roads can alleviate traffic congestion, leading to shorter commute times and improved overall quality of life for residents. 减少拥堵问题


1. **Environmental Concerns:** Increased spending on roads and motorways can contribute to environmental problems, such as air pollution and habitat destruction. Public transport is often more environmentally friendly. 保护环境

2. **Congestion Relief:** Investing in public transport can help reduce road congestion by encouraging people to use alternatives, reducing the need for costly road expansions. 减缓道路拥堵

3. **Economic Efficiency:** Public transport systems are often more cost-effective in the long run, as they can transport a large number of people with fewer resources compared to road networks. 经济效益


Some people think that the government should provide free housing, while others think that it is not the governments responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



👉 思路

**For Government-Provided Free Housing:**

1. **Social Welfare:** Advocates argue that housing is a basic human need, and governments have a responsibility to ensure that everyone has access to safe and affordable housing. This can be especially important for vulnerable populations like the homeless or low-income individuals and families. 政府有责任提供社会福利

2. **Reducing Inequality:** Providing free housing can help reduce income inequality by ensuring that people from all income brackets have access to a decent place to live. This can lead to a fairer and more equitable society. 促进社会平等

3. **Economic Stability:** Stable housing can lead to improved economic stability. When people have secure housing, they are more likely to find and maintain employment, contributing positively to the economy. 促进经济

**Against Government-Provided Free Housing:**

1. **Cost:** Critics argue that providing free housing on a large scale is financially unsustainable. It can burden taxpayers and divert resources from other essential public services like education and healthcare. 成本高

2. **Dependency:** Some contend that free housing may create dependency on government assistance, discouraging self-reliance and personal responsibility. 依赖性

3. **Market Distortion:** Government-provided free housing can distort housing markets, affecting property values, rent prices, and investment incentives. 市场混乱










