


In many countries, people now wear western-style dresses such as suits and jeans rather than traditional clothing. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative development?





1.**Globalization:** Increased interconnectedness and cultural exchange through globalization have led to the widespread adoption of Western fashion trends. Western clothing is often associated with modernity and reflects a globalized, cosmopolitan lifestyle. 全球化发展让更多的人接触到西方的流行趋势
2.**Media and Pop Culture Influence: **Western fashion is heavily promoted through international media, including movies, television, and social media. Western celebrities and influencers often set trends that are emulated worldwide, contributing to the popularity of Western-style clothing. 媒体发展,人们通过电视、电影、社交媒体让人们有了更多了解
3.**Economic Factors: **Western clothing brands are often viewed as prestigious and high-quality, creating a desire for these products as a status symbol. Economic growth and rising incomes in some regions have facilitated increased access to and demand for Western fashion. 西方服饰通常被人们崇尚,收入的提高让人们有钱购买


  1. **Cultural Fusion: **The adoption of Western-style clothing can signify cultural fusion, where diverse fashion influences coexist, creating a rich tapestry of styles and expressions. 促进文化融合
  2. **Economic Opportunities:** The global popularity of Western fashion can lead to economic opportunities, including the growth of local industries related to clothing manufacturing and retail. 促进经济发展
  3. **Expression of Individuality: **Wearing Western-style clothing allows individuals to express their personal style and preferences, contributing to a diverse and eclectic fashion landscape. 彰显个性


1.**Cultural Fusion:**  The widespread adoption of Western clothing may contribute to the erosion of traditional clothing and cultural identity, potentially leading to a loss of cultural diversity. 对文化多样性造成影响

2.**Loss of Heritage:** If not balanced, the overwhelming influence of Western fashion may result in a loss of appreciation for and knowledge of traditional clothing and craftsmanship. 对传统文化的冲击

3.**Homogenization of Style:** The dominance of Western fashion trends may lead to a homogenization of style, where diverse cultural clothing traditions become overshadowed by a more standardized global fashion. 风格同质化


Some people think that all the lawbreakers should be taken into the prison, while others believe that there are better alternatives, (for example, doing some work or learning some skills in the community). Discuss both views and give your opinion.


本场考试题目是犯罪类话题,是考察频率最低的话题类型,但整体难度较高,需要有一定的词汇/语料储备,问的是针对罪犯比较合适的处理方式是什么,注意我们在展开文章的时候要保证写到题目中两种方式(prison vs alternatives)的合理性,如有反驳的想法可以留到own opinion的部分展开。



1.**Deterrent Effect:** Advocates for imprisonment argue that incarcerating lawbreakers serves as a deterrent. The threat of confinement may discourage individuals from engaging in criminal activities, contributing to public safety. 监狱具有威慑作用

2.**Restorative Justice: **Some advocate for restorative justice, emphasizing repairing harm caused by the offense. Offenders may engage in dialogue with victims, participate in restitution, and contribute positively to the affected community. 恢复社会公正性

3.**Isolation of Threats: **Incarceration ensures that potentially dangerous individuals are removed from the community, reducing the immediate risk they pose to others. This is particularly relevant for violent or repeat offenders. 隔绝有危险的人


1.**Rehabilitation:** Advocates for alternatives emphasize rehabilitation over punishment. Community-based programs, work initiatives, and skill development can address the root causes of criminal behavior and facilitate the offender’s reintegration into society. 帮助罪犯改造

2.**Mentorship Programs: **Pair individuals with mentors who can offer guidance, support, and encouragement during the reintegration process. 安排监察人员


Many people feel that most of the urgent problems can only be solved by international cooperation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


这道题是一道社会类话题,整体考察范围较大,看似比较抽象但我们可以套用大作文破题指南中的政府类话题素材,对于题目中的urgent problems我们可以分成教育/医疗/环境/科技等角度切入;当然,如果我们想写不同意也可以从only绝对词切入,反驳international cooperation是唯一的解决方式,还有其它的方法也行得通。


1.**Global Impact of Climate Change:** Environmental challenges, especially those related to climate change, have global repercussions. Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss affect countries worldwide, necessitating collaborative efforts to develop and implement effective solutions. 气候变化带来的全球性影响

2.**Access to Knowledge and Resources: **International cooperation is vital for ensuring equitable access to educational resources and expertise. Collaborative initiatives can address educational disparities, promote knowledge sharing, and enhance educational systems, contributing to global development. 全球教育资源共享

3.**Pandemic Preparedness and Response: **In the face of global health threats like pandemics, international collaboration in medicine is crucial. Sharing research, resources, and coordinated responses can enhance preparedness, accelerate vaccine development, and mitigate the impact of health crises. 传染性疾病的解决










