


Some people believe children should have organized activities in their free time. Others believe children should decide what to do in their free time on their own. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.




Advocates for Organized Activities :
Safety and Supervision: With organized activities, parents know where their children are and who they are with, providing a safe and supervised environment. This can be especially important in dual-income or single-parent households where parents may not always be available to supervise their children. 更安全

Exposure to Diverse Interests: Through organized activities, children are exposed to a variety of interests which they might not discover on their own. This can help them find passions and talents they may pursue throughout their lives. 发展兴趣爱好

Preventing Negative Behaviors: A structured schedule can help prevent children from engaging in risky or negative behaviors out of boredom. With less idle time, the likelihood of engaging in such activities may decrease. 避免坏习惯

lProponents of Unstructured Free Time:
Fostering Creativity and Imagination: Unstructured time allows children to use their creativity and imagination. It gives them the freedom to invent games, explore their surroundings, and engage in free play, which is crucial for creative development. 激发创造力

Developing Independence: When children choose their own activities, they learn to listen to their own interests and motivations. This autonomy can build decision-making skills and a sense of independence. 培养独立能力

Stress Relief: Children today often have schedules as busy as adults. Unstructured time can be a valuable stress reliever, allowing them to relax and decompress from the pressures of organized activities. 放松解压

Learning Self-Regulation: Free time gives children the opportunity to learn self-regulation. They can set their own limits, learn from natural consequences, and understand how to manage their time and attention without external prompts. 变得更自律


Some people say that it is a waste of time to plan for the future and that it is more important to focus on the present. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




Plan for the future:
Preparedness: Planning for the future is essential for being prepared for life’s uncertainties. By setting goals and making plans, individuals can be ready for opportunities and challenges, reducing the stress associated with the unknown. 做好准备应对挑战

Goal Achievement: Future planning allows for setting clear goals and developing strategies to achieve them. This process can motivate individuals to take action and work towards long-term achievements, such as career advancement or financial security. 更容易达成目标

Resource Management: Effective planning helps in managing resources like time and money more efficiently. By planning for future expenses or time commitments, individuals can avoid crises and make the most of their resources. 做好资源管理

Personal Development: Planning for the future often involves learning new skills and gaining knowledge, which contributes to personal growth and development. 有助于个人发展

lFocus on the Present:
Living Fully: By focusing on the present, individuals can fully engage with life, appreciating each moment and reducing worries about what is yet to come. This mindfulness can lead to a more fulfilling life. 更充实的生活

Adaptability: Those who concentrate on the present argue that it allows for greater flexibility and adaptability. The future is uncertain, and being too rigid in plans can make it difficult to adapt to unexpected changes. 更能应对生活中的不确定性

Stress Reduction: Overplanning for the future can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. Living in the moment can help individuals avoid the stress associated with trying to control the uncontrollable aspects of the future. 没有那么大的压力

Happiness: Some psychological research suggests that people who are present-focused tend to be happier, as they are not constantly preoccupied with future outcomes and can find joy in the current experience. 更容易感受快乐


Some people think a job not only provides income but also a social life. Others think it is better to develop a social life with people you do not work with. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

这是一道工作类话题,考察工作和社交之间的关系,通俗点翻译下题目就是在讨论要不要把同事变成朋友,我们可以从社交对工作的影响来思考这道题,比如交朋友可以拓展人脉,带来工作机会,也可以从不在工作中交朋友可以避免不必要的矛盾冲突角度or 能让自己更专注于工作展开


Job as a Source of Social Life:
Shared Goals and Interests: Working with colleagues who share similar professional goals and interests can lead to strong bonds and a sense of camaraderie. The workplace becomes a community where individuals work together toward common objectives. 培养同事情谊

Support System: Colleagues often become a valuable support system, providing encouragement during challenging times. The shared experiences of the workplace create a unique bond that can contribute to emotional well-being. 带来帮助和支持

Networking Opportunities: Building a social life within the workplace provides networking opportunities that can be beneficial for career growth. Professional relationships may open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. 扩展人脉

lDeveloping Social Life Outside of Work
Diversity of Perspectives: Interacting with a broader range of people outside of the workplace introduces diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and interests. This diversity enriches social experiences and promotes personal growth. 多样性的思想

Work-Life Balance: Maintaining a separation between work and personal life is crucial for achieving a healthy work-life balance. Socializing outside of work allows individuals to unwind and engage in activities unrelated to professional responsibilities. 工作和生活的平衡

Avoiding Workplace Conflicts: Developing a social life beyond colleagues helps avoid potential conflicts that may arise in a professional setting. Personal relationships with coworkers can sometimes complicate workplace dynamics. 避免工作冲突










