
托福口语在改革后,分数档位由以前的四个变为五个:Advanced (25-30)、High- Intermediate(20-24)、Low- Intermediate(16-19)、Basic(10-15)、Below Basic(0-9),让我们来瞅瞅前三个档位的要求

● Advanced(25-30)整体来看表达有效和流畅度好,基本无困难。综合口语能够提炼概括,独立口语不假大空,有料。内容整体逻辑框架和句间逻辑清晰。几乎无语法错误。

● High- Intermediate(20-24)在表达熟悉的话题时,比较清晰流畅。当需要表达更为复杂的内容时,会出现犹疑和卡顿,或者语音语调错误以及单词说错。能够一定程度表达单词和语法结构,但是会偶尔出现语意不准,导致准确度出现偏差。

● Low- Intermediate(16-19)“明显且更长的卡顿”非常明显,语意模糊。表达复杂句式的时候遭遇明显困难,语意表达不清,信息缺失,细节不完整。





对于独立口语来讲,25-30分这个档位跟20-24分这个档位最大的区别在于内容上,前者的内容具有细节,后者的内容基本上都是“大道理”。同学们要注意,几乎每个独立口语后都有这么一句话:” Please use details or examples to support your answer.” 并且独立有一项评分标准—— Topic Development(话题发展),其中一项考察方向就是 “with some elaboration“ (你的理由是否给出了足够的解释和阐述),由此可见,细节是答独立口语的必备条件,也是大部分同学缺乏的。

我们将从“独立口语如何给细节” 、“独立口语如何给例子” 、“答题中的易错语法问题“、”综合口语需要注意的细节“ 这四大内容给大家分享一些干货~ 本期我们从 “独立口语如何给细节” 这部分进行讲解~




convenient — How convenient?
save time — How to save time?
save money — How to save money?
important — Why it is important?




More and more people are buying items on the internet and from magazines or catalogs. Other people prefer shopping in a store. Which do you prefer and why?

观点: buy items on the Internet / shop online

理由:这个题我们最先能想到的理由可能是“方便” & “省钱”。

方便” 这个点可以这样给细节:不用去商场,也不用排长队结账,只需要用手机就可以买到任何想买的东西,并且网上商店从来不关门,任何时候都可以买,并且快递可以直接送到家门口。

省钱” 这个点可以这样给细节:因为很多网店都卖同款,顾客就可以对比价钱,然后选择最物美价廉的产品。但如果在线下商店购物的话,选择有限,并且贵。

理由1convenient:don’t have to commute to the malls > no need to wait in lines to check out > cell phone > buy everything I want > online shops are never closed > buy anytime (in the middle of the night) > can be delivered to my house…

理由2save money / cheaper / cost-efficient :a lot of online shops sell the same thing > compare the price > choose the most reasonable one > if buy in a store (对比) > choice will be limited > expensive

Sample Answer:

I prefer to shop online.

Because it’s pretty convenient. I don’t have to commute all the way to the shopping malls. And there’s no need to wait in long lines to check out. I can buy everything I want with my cell phone. And unlike offline stores, online shops are never closed, they are available 24 hours a day. I can shop at any time, even during the middle of the night. Then the products will be delivered to my house.

Besides, it’s more cost-efficient when I shop online. There are a lot of online shops that sell the same thing, so I get to compare the prices and choose the most reasonable one. On the contrary, if I buy items in a store, my choice will be limited. And the price might be expensive.


Many universities now offer academic courses over the internet. However, some people still prefer learning in traditional classrooms. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

观点:online course

理由:这个题我们最先能想到的理由可能是“方便” & “舒服&高效” & “无地理位置限制”。

方便” 这个点可以这样给细节:不用通勤去学校,可以避免交通堵塞和早高峰晚高峰,非常省时间。如果遇到比较糟糕的天气,不用出门。

舒服” 这个点可以这样给细节:家里会有一个更舒服的学习环境,比如,如果上的是录播网课,当我累了,可以暂停休息一下,站起来活动活动,或者出去散散步,在附近的咖啡厅买杯咖啡,休息后会更加有效率。

无地理位置限制” 这个点可以这样给细节:因为疫情,学生不能去学校上课,多亏了发达的互联网,尤其是zoom这个app的存在,使得网课和线下课没有太大区别,只要大家打开摄像头,还是可以跟老师和其他同学面对面上课。

理由1: convenient: don’t have to commute to school > avoid traffic jams & rush hours > time-efficient > horrible weather

理由2:a more comfortable learning environment > live & recorded class > if I feel tired > take a break > stand up – stretch my arms and legs > go out for a walk > grab a cup of coffee at the nearby café > more productive

理由3:location doesn’t matter > covid-19 > can’t go to school > advanced internet > app: zoom > no big difference between online class & traditional class > turn on the camera > face to face with the teacher & classmates

Sample Answer:

I think online courses are better.

Because it’s convenient, I don’t have to commute all the way to the school. All those annoying traffic jams and rash hours will be avoided. It’s definitely more time-efficient. And I don’t have to go out in horrible weathers like rainstorm or sand storm.

There will be a more comfortable learning environment when I’m taking online classes at my own house. Especially when it comes to those recorded classes. If I feel tired during learning. I can stop and take a little break. Like, stand up and stretch my arms and legs. Or go out for a walk and grab a cup of coffee at the nearby café. Then I will be more refreshed and productive when I’m back to study.

(基本上两个点就足够了,补充第三点的展开:With online courses, location doesn’t matter. These two years, because of covid-19, students can’t go to school to have classes. But with the advanced Internet, people don’t have to participate in the traditional classroom. With this app called zoom, students can take online classes anyway. And if they turn on the camera, they can still face to face with teachers and classmates. Actually, there’s no bid difference. )

这两篇sample就是具有细节的答案,同学们应该也察觉到了,内容上难度并不大,只是需要扩展思维,讲更多“无聊的“细节!你觉得非常 “流水账” 的东西其实是考官最想听的内容!

当然,这个方法需要多加练习哦~ 细节的内容虽然简单,但是能临场反应出来的freestyle能力也要具备。对于口语练习来说,建议大家多说少写,因为口语最终还是要落实到口头输出上,那么多张口说一定会有进步!

















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