
2021年最新真题SAQ考查了去殖民化运动与西方影响之间的关系、19世纪末法国女性角色、 中国1200-1750政治体系、南亚东南亚1750-1900政治体系;DBQ考查了墨西哥革命的原因, LEQ考查了亚非欧经济发展对贸易的影响、东亚和南亚国家经济如何变化以应对欧洲扩张、除美国之外的国家如何通过改变经济政策以应对大萧条。





材料中,历史学家Theodore von Laue认为非西方世界non-Western world在西方殖民扩张过程中被迫西化,传统社会被打断,而接受西方教育的本土人利用西方主导思想如equality,freedom,and self-determination来推动民族独立运动、反对西方殖民。

题目:a)举一个殖民地受过西式教育的独立运动领导人的行为如何证明了该历史学家的观点。b) 解释该历史学家的世界西化革命如何打断了非西方社会传统。c)给出20世纪后期历史学家像该历史学家一样重新解释西方帝国主义的一条理由。


考察文字二手材料理解,知识点涉及Period2-3 ca 1450-1900殖民扩张活动,和Period4 ca 1900-2001 去殖民化运动decolonization的领导人,以及西方史学变化。这道简答题的难点一在于时间跨度大,二在于学生对20世纪后期西方历史学家重新解释帝国主义这个知识没有了解。


a. Gandhi’s(studied in Britain) nonviolent political actions;Sun Yat-sen’s (studied inUS)the Revolution of 1911;Nehru’s (studied in Britain) Indian independence movement

b. disrupted the self-sufficient economy; disrupted the development of handicraft industry;disrupted the local social structure of non-western world

c. the new trend in the historical inquiry in which the history of non-western world and minorities such as women and slaves have been increasingly emphasized.



在这张法国1890的海报“The different social positions of women”中,不同职业的女性被描述为对社会有不同贡献,但同时我们也能看出来,这时期法国对女性开放的工作领域非常有限,而且都是非专业领域,也就是传统被认为是男人领域的职业,如政治家、律师、商人、医生、科学家、工程师、作家、教授等。

题目:a) 确定图中观点代表性别角色传统观念的一种延续方式。b) 识别图中观点与传统性别角色观念的一种不同之处。c) 说明材料的格式或目标受众可能影响图像中性别角色的一种方式。


考察第一手图像材料的理解,知识点涉及Period3 ca1750-1900社会主题中的性别角色。这道题目难度不大,对背景知识有一定了解,知道第二次工业革命后,越来越多的女性出门加入work force,但与此同时,依然在工作领域受到限制即可轻松获得满分。


a. French gender roles were still restricted in some unskilled jobs compared to earlier ages.

b. The increasing number of women joined the newly risen working class.

c. The poster was mass-produced for sale to individuals and institutions in France, so the intended audience was all French citizens. Such a general audience may resulted in the portrayal of women roles in the source as valuable for the whole country, trying to appease the feminist movement.





考察Period1-2 ca 1200-1750之间中国governance主题。不带材料的简答题普遍比较简单,大家要把握好这道题,一定要拿到满分哦,这样才可以抵消可能的第一题和第二题的扣分。


a. monarchy; centralization; Civil Service Exam; Confucianism.

b. Neo-Confucianism; Yuan dynasty; intensification of absolute monarchy.

c. Explain ONE way in which political continuities in China influenced the development of the global economy in the period 1200–1750.


a) Identify ONE continuity in the political systems of South or Southeast Asia in the period 1750–1900. b) Identify ONE change in the political systems of South or Southeast Asia in the period 1750–1900. c) Explain ONE way in which changes in the global economy led to changes in the political systems of South or Southeast Asia in the period 1750–1900.






a. Sikh and Maratha states;

b. colonization in Southeast Asia(Dutch Indonesia, Singapore, French Indochina, U.S. annexation of the Philippines);geopolitical conflict(battle of Plassey, Great Game)

c. modernization in Siam (Mongkut)



1. Evaluate the extent to which economic factors led to the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution (1910–1920).






Document1: economic factor

Source:finance minister of President Porfirio Díaz, letter to Mexican factory workers on strike, 1892.

Content:The government has no power to satisfy the request of working class guaranteeing employment, improving working conditions, or fixing wages since it cannot intervene the natural law of free market under the principle of laissez-faire.

Sourcing: content, audience, purpose, author

Document2: political factor

Source:Mexican printmaker’s illustration for a popular news print, Street Gazette.

Content:The rangers were slaughtering unarmedcitizens in street where people are protesting voter fraud of Porfirio Díaz’s reelection in 1892.

Outside evidence: The wealth were not equally distributed to the lower class and middle class during the whole Porfirio Díaz presidency

Sourcing: the news paper’s audience, and its purpose

Document3: economic factor

Source:Mexican consul toast at a banquet in celebration of the good business relationship between Mexico and the United States in New York City

Content:“by placing General Díaz at the head of the administration,” Mexico enjoys a great advance, especially by introducing the investment of U.S. to develop its natural resourcesand guaranteeing the interests of American businesses “as required.”

Outside evidence:

The Mexican economy did experience a fast growth during president Diaz’s administration, but it mostly benefited the foreign investors and the native industrialists, planters, and merchants, not farmers, workers, and other commoners.

Economic imperialism of the United States in Latin America.

Sourcing:context, purpose, audience

Document4: economic factor/social factor

Source:United States journalist in Mexico travelogue in 1910.

Content:The planters in Yucatan profit by using slaves(former free labors who were induced in debt to planters) to cultivate henequen, including Yaqui Indians, Chinese, Koreans, and native mayas, and these slaves cannot buy their freedom and leave as was said.

Outside evidence:abolition of slavery in Atlantic world far before 1910.

Sourcing:context(the year when the Mexican revolution erupted), purpose, audience

Document5: economic factor

Source:United States consul’s on “United States, British, French, and Mexican Investment in Mexico” 1911.

Content:Foreign investment is two times more than that of native investment in Mexico: 1523 to 792 millions of dollars, and a half has been invested on the railroads building.

Outside evidence: the revolutionaries confiscated foreign property during the revolution.


Context: the first of the Mexican Revolution

purpose: to estimate the economic loss in the Mexican Revolution

Document6: economic factor

Source:Mexican intellectual and social reform activist’s editorial in 1911.

Content:The right of property imposed by spaniards is absurd. The current landowners gained lands by varies of illegal methods, and the land should be returned to indigenous peasants during the revolution.

Outside evidence: the land reform provisions in the 1917 Constitution

Sourcing:Purpose, audience

Document7: economic factor

Source:a corrido folk song lyrics of 1919.

Content:The poor Indians who were exploited by Mexicans of europeans ancestry were honoring their hero leader Zapata, who was killed in the revolution when fighting for poor Indians’ freedom.

Outside evidence:The goal of Zapata failed of asking the white landowners to return land to Indians without any compensate

Sourcing:Context, audience, purpose

看完所有材料,我们可以将材料分为经济的和其它的(政治的、社会的D2\D4)两大类,经济方面又可以分为两段,其中农业相关为一段(D6\D4\D7), 工商业为一段(D1\D3\D5)。




In the period circa 1200–1450, commerce along exchange networks such as the Silk Roads, the Indian Ocean, and the trans-Saharan networks involved a number of new economic and commercial practices.

Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which developments in economic and/or commercial practices in Afro-Eurasia affected trade in this period.



题目考察范围太广,时间跨越1200-1450, 长达250年,地域范围横跨亚非欧,主题涉及此地域范围内的new economic and commercial practices. 大部分同学们并没有专门地去总结这一时期亚非欧的整体经济,更别提“新”的经济和商业practices。所以一般同学会跳过这个题。


整体:general rise in agricultural production(due to technological innovation)\increased craft production\new trading cities and merchant classes\luxury goods\coins and paper money\credit and banking\slavery and serfdom become increasingly common

欧洲:rise of commodity economy after Black Death\European and Mediterranean trade intensifies\guilds(artisans and craftsmen)\Cottage industry or proto-industry\Italian peninsula and Mediterranean trade\Hanseatic League

东亚和中亚:Silk Road revives\longterm trade with Indian Ocean basin\silk, iron, steel, and porcelain industries expand in China



In the period circa 1450–1750, European expansion affected the development of numerous East Asian and South Asian states.

Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which the economies of East and/or South Asian states in this time period changed in response to European expansion.



面对1750-1900年的欧洲扩张时,亚洲国家的经济改变在整个世界历史讲解过程中也是很少专门涉及的领域,大家更熟悉的是1750-1900年亚洲国家的应对,如Meiji Restoration and Japanese government directed Industrial Revolution,Self-strengthening Movement and Chinese modernization等。



东亚:Chinese/Japanese Isolation policy: limited trade in Canton andNagasaki; Reunification of Japan(late 1500s )and Tokugawa shogunate(Tokugawa Leyasu since 1603);Development Southeast China export economy(porcelain, silk, and tea) and merchant farming in exchange for silver\intensification of peasant labor(silk\tea); Shisanhang\Macao

南亚:Muslim-European rivalry in Indian Oceantrade\intensification of peasant labor(cotton); Mughal India (1526-1858)encouraged trade, so the economy thrived, thanks to a boom in India’s cotton trade.



In the twentieth century, governments responded to economic crises in various ways.

Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which governments (other than the United States government) changed their economic policies in response to the Great Depression.



20世纪经济主题。该题目难点在于很多同学除了美国FDR总统的New Deal政策之外,对其他国家如英国、德国、日本等国的具体经济政策应对方式不了解,可能更多的同学知道的是德国、意大利、日本因此走上了对外侵略,去掠夺别国的资源。从该题中我们可以看到,对经济大萧条这个知识点,我们还需要掌握更多具体的国内经济政策。


general low exports, high tariffs to confront mass unemployment; governmental economic intervention: Soviet nationalization (Five-Year plans)\state capitalism (syndicalism) in fascist nations\democracies’ relief and welfare programs (Keynesian theory)



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