



1. high/low costs (prices, rent and bills, utilities…)

2. financial pressure (support oneself financially / provide for kids and family…)

3. pay/ salary (high/low)

4. economy / job opportunities

financial pressure

此文为连载(约4弹),今天来看第二弹,我们从financial pressure 的角度,来观察以下题目(后附一句话思路):

Why don’t some people have dreams?

Do people have time for themselves nowadays?


Do you think it is important to save money? Why?


Why would middle-aged people tend to second guess their own decisions?

Why do people get up early?

Are kids happier than adults? Why?


Is it hard for adults to continue learning? Why?



例题 1:

Why don’t some people have dreams

had dreams long ago > enter society / enter the workplace > reality is harsh > need money to pay rent and bills > struggle to make ends meet > have to work, work, work > no time to dream / have given up on dreams


make ends meet 勉强度日

例题 2 :

Do you think it is important to save money? Why?

everybody has to save money > living cost is so high > need money to buy food, pay rent and bills; have financial goals to achieve: buy a house / save for kids’ education / save for retirement > many end up having nothing when you get older if you don’t save > life will be miserable

例题 3 :

Do people have time for themselves nowadays?

not much time for themselves > have to work all the time (a 996 work schedule ) to make money (to pay living cost);usually a back breaking job > often feel burnout/exhausted > no time to develop hobbies and interests / go on a vacation / take care of health …


burnout 精疲力竭的

backbreaking 艰苦繁重的


Why would middle-aged people tend to second guess their own decisions?

need to provide for family > under financial pressure > very cautious when it comes to decision-making > not sure if it’s the right decision, may cause financial loss > family going to suffer; so much at stake > always hard for middle-aged people to make big decisions


provide for family 养家

at stake 处于风险当中

例题 5 :

Is it hard for adults to continue learning? Why?

extremely hard > under great financial pressure (rent and bills, provide for family ), have to work hard > can only study after your shift is over > not much time and also hard to stay focused (so many distractions) > learning efficiency is low


your shift is over 工作结束了










👉雅思口语题库Part2:Describe a time you used your cellphone/smart phone to do something important .



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