
本次话题来自最新口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会给大家分享最新题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!带你了解老外地道口语表达~

Part 1 Library

1.Do you often go to library?

Yes, I often go to library. When I’m in school, I go there every afternoon with my classmates. What we do is just to go through novels and fictions to kill time. Besides, we have to join in the group discussion every week. Therefore, we will take advantage of the study room in the library to accomplish our assignments. To be specific, we are allowed to spread books on the table and have a heated debate.

2.What do you usually do in the library?

As I’ve mentioned before, I have to go to library at least once a week for group discussions. Therefore, there are a lot of things to do. To begin with, I need to look for information from reference books for group projects. It is time-consuming. You know, numerous books are piled on the shelf. Additionally, after collecting data, I will present it in front of the group so that we can have a discussion and decide how to organize the report.

3.Did you go to library when you were a kid?

Yes, I did. When I was a kid, my parents always drove me to the library on weekends. We often shared a book with many pictures but just a few words. It was highly understandable for me. Plus, we, a bunch of little kids, went there on the way back home after school. You know, there were not ample recreational activities available at that time. Sitting on the floor with a book was all we could do.

4.Do Chinese kids often go to library?

Yes, I guess they often go to library. With the overall educational improvement, an increasing number of parents attach great importance to children’s education. Therefore, they tend to immerse their kids into such an atmosphere created by the library. They can not only read printed books instead of electronic books there but also learn how to stay focused for several hours. However, if they stay at home, they will be distracted by a variety of electronic devices.


go through:浏览/翻阅

kill time:消磨时光

take advantage of:利用

study room:自习室

have a heated debate:进行激烈的辩论

reference books:参考书

drive sb to:开车载某人去…

a bunch of:一群

recreational activities:休闲娱乐活动

overall educational improvement:整体教育水平提升

an increasing number of:越来越多的

attach great importance to:重视

immerse sb into:使…沉浸在…

Part 2

1.Describe a character from a film.

You should say:

What character it is

Who acted the character

When you saw the film

And explain whether you like this character

I really like Dr. Strange from the avenger series. He is one of the superheroes in the magic world created by Marvel. He used to be a prestigious surgeon, but after a car accident, he could no longer pick up a scalpel. So he went to find hope in a mysterious enclave, where his new journey unfolded.

Dr. Strange was played by Benedict Cumberbatch, one of my favorite actors. I first knew him in Sherlock Holmes series. His version of Holmes was oddly attractive.

Anyway, I saw Dr. Strange 1 not long before Avengers 4 came out. Unlike some of my friends, I was a late comer to the Avengers series. I tried to cram for the new movie, you know, to get some background knowledge. So I binged watched several superhero films in the series. He did so well in Dr. Strange that I could not connect him with the eccentric Holmes.

I think you already know my answer. I like Dr. Strange partly because of his eye-dazzling magic power. After all, who does not love a genius? But more importantly, I admire how he sacrificed his old life and took on a grand mission of protecting the world. He had to forgo his personal feelings, including his love for his former colleague, to make the best decision.


Prestigious 有声望的

new journey unfolds 新的旅途展开

cram for 临时抱佛脚

binge watch 刷剧

eye-dazzling 令人眼花缭乱的

take on a grand mission 肩负重任

Part 3

1.Do you think it is good for children to make noise?

Before children can speak, yes. Making noise is their way of communicating with the outside world, expressing their feelings, and receiving help from their parents. For example, if a two-year-old baby keeps crying, it means he/she is hungry, thirsty, or just poops his pants. But if children can speak, making noise should not be encouraged, especially when they create a scene in public. Parents should tell teach them some basic rules like not disturbing others in public spaces.

2.Should children not be allowed to make noise under any circumstances?

The answer really depends on the occasion. By occasion, I am not just talking about public or private space. If children feel uncomfortable, for example when they are on a long distance flight, some screams and tantrums are understandable. I mean, adults would scream too if it were not for face issues. But if kids are making noise in a shopping mall just to get their favorite toy, it is not acceptable.

3.Which is exposed to more noise, the city or the countryside?

Definitely the city. In the countryside, noise mostly comes from nature. Actually, it can hardly be called noise because most of it is not annoying. I can listen to birds chirping and dogs barking all day. But the city is full of machines and angry people. Countless cars roar the road all day and all night. Numerous construction sites constantly test the limit of people’s patience in the neighborhood. And people fight. Strangers fight on the street over trivial matters, couples fight in the house for money, and parents fight for their children’s education.

4.How would people usually respond to noises in your country?

Some people would secretly curse those who make noise in their minds. For example, if I see someone playing music out loud on the bus, I will not ask him to stop because I do not have the guts. But some brave people would take action. They would make complaints to relevant departments, call the police, or confront the source of the noise. One of my friends has a neighbor who likes singing Karaoke at home. After being awakened in the middle of the night twice, she knocked on their door and politely asked them to stop.


create a scene 大吵大闹

tantrum 发脾气

on a long distance flight 在长途飞机上

construction sites 建筑工地

make complaints 投诉

curse 咒骂

have the guts to do something 有勇气做某事







