
本次话题来自2021年1-4月最新雅思口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会按时给大家分享最新题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!!!

本期内容涉及Part1 1话题:Farming, Tree, New Year Celebration。

怎么稳住最简单的Part 1?千万不要用挤牙膏的方式回答考官,多说几句~让考官觉得你很走心!要把跟朋友聊天的感觉拿出来哦~

2021年1-4月雅思口语 part1话题:Farming


1. Have you ever visited a farm?

Yeah, I’ve visited a farm before. My grandparents’ house is located in the countryside. And when I was little, they had a small farm. Every time I visited them, I would go to the farm to play. It was a lot of fun.

2. Do you think farming is important?

Yes, definitely. Farming is essential in every country. Without agriculture, there would be no food. Then humans can’t survive. Not to mention that farming also provides jobs in society.

3. What kind of farm do you like?

I like subsistence farms. This is a type of farm that produces only enough food to feed the family with little or no surplus for sale. It is not meant to provide income, but would ideally produce all needed food, year-round. This is becoming increasingly popular among people who wish to live “off the grid.”

4. Did you do any farm work when you were a child?

Actually, I didn’t. My grandparents didn’t want me to do any farm work. They thought I was too young to do it back then. But I did see my mom helping them with the farm work.

5. What do people keep in a farm?

People usually keep poultry in a farm. Like goats, geese, chickens, pigs. These animals can be raised for food or for commercial use. It’s a win-win.

2021年1-4月雅思口语 part1话题:Tree


1. Do you like trees?

Yeah, I like trees. The presence of trees makes it possible for me to breathe fresh air. Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen.

2. What kind of trees do you like?

I like pine trees which are evergreen. There’s no dormant period for pine trees, they exist all year long. And usually, people use pine trees for Christmas trees and decorate them. I gotta say that Christmas is my favorite.

3. When is the best season to plant a tree?

I think the best time for planting trees is early spring. In some climates, seeds fall from trees in early winter and lie dormant on the ground where it’s cold and damp for the rest of the winter until warmer temperatures arrive in spring.

4. Have you ever planted a tree?

I’ve never planted a tree before. But that’s the thing I’ve always wanted to do. There’s a certain app that helps people achieve this goal. People have to sign in every day to get energy. Once the energy is enough, the app will help people plant a tree in the desert.

5. Is it better to grow a tree during the daytime or at night?

I think it’s better to grow a tree at night. During the day plants convert sunlight into sugar. During the dark hours, the plant uses sugar to grow. They spring up at night because that is when the growth happens.

6. Do you like the trees that bear something like fruits?

Yeah, I like it. When I was little, I always dreamed of having my own orchard. Cause I can’t live without fruits. There used to be a peach tree in my grandmother’s yard, I used to sit there and wait for the peaches to ripen.

2021年1-4月雅思口语 part1话题:New Year Celebration


1. How do you celebrate New Year?

I usually go out with my friends on the last night of the year. Enjoying a meal together and sharing some amusing chitchats with each other can be a stress reliever. Then we will count down together and welcome the New Year.

2. Who do you celebrate New Year with?

Most of the time I celebrate New Year with friends. I’d like to celebrate it with families. But I’m living in a different city than my parents. So, I have to wait until the Spring Festival to spend time with them.

3. Why is it important to celebrate the New Year?

TheNew Year symbolizes new beginnings, a fresh start, and a chance for people to begin new chapters in life.

4. Have you got any special experience of celebrating the New Year?

There was a tradition back in college in our dorm. Every year on New Year’s Eve, we would throw a small party in the dorm, preparing some snacks and soft drinks. These parties were held secretly, and the dormitory staff didn’t know about them.








👉2021年1月雅思口语Part1话题高分范文/音频:Name Hometown/Your study/Study or work/Your accommodation

👉雅思口语真题part2&3高分范文+音频:Describe an old friend that you got in contact again
