
本次话题来自2022年5-8月口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会给大家分享最新题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!带你了解老外地道口语表达~

2022年5-8月雅思口语 Part 1 Evening time

1. Do you like the morning or evening?


I prefer the evening, I’m just never a morning person, I mean, I have the hardest time dragging myself out of bed in the morning. Sadly, I have school from Monday to Friday, starts at 8 o’clock in the morning, which is way too early for me. This is the part of my day that I hate the most. I always look forward to the weekend because I’d be able to sleep in in the morning then. It’s the best.

2. What do you usually do in the evening?


In the evening, when I’m done with my homework, I usually have like 3-4 hours to myself before I go to bed. I spend most of the time gaming in my bedroom on my PS5 that I have bought recently. I’d also browse social media for some time, check out what everybody is up to, read some news and stuff. Mostly, in the evening, I do things that help me relax.

3. What did you do in the evening when you were little? Why?



When I was little, I usually watched tv, cartoons in the evening which I was excited about, but my parents would only allow me to watch for 1 hour. They saw to it that I didn’t watch too much TV, they just believed TV was bad for my eyesight. Then I had to go bed like really early, like 8/9 o’clock, of course I usually couldn’t fall asleep, I just stayed wide awake in bed, I’d imagine myself be to some cartoon character and talk to myself lying there until finally I got sleepy.

4. Are there any differences between what you do in the evening now and what you did in the past?


Obviously I don’t watch cartoons anymore in the evening, lost interest in them long time ago. And I certainly don’t go to bed that early these days, I’m actually a night owl, I stay up late a lot, that’s probably why I can’t get up early in the morning. Well, my parents don’t like how I spend my time in the evening, they have threatened many times that they gonna take away all my electronic devices but I always call their bluff.


sleep in 睡懒觉

see to it that 确保

night owl 夜猫子

call sb’s bluff 揭穿某人的假把式(没被别人吓唬到)

2022年5-8月雅思口语 Part 1 Daily routine

1. What is your daily study routine?


My daily study routine really revolves around school. I go to school at 8, I have 4 classes in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, 45 minutes for each. School ends at 4:30. When I go home, I first spend 2-3 hours working on my assignments, I like to get my studying done before I go about something else. When I have finished my homework, I go on social media or TikTok, watch some funny videos. Before I go to bed, sometimes I review the notes I took during the day, make sure I’d be able to answer the teachers’ questions during class the next day.

2. Have you ever changed your routine?


I don’t really think there’s much I can change about my routine, like it’s all decided, like I have to go to school, right? Our teachers decide what we learn and how we learn, we don’t really have much say in this matter. They are always like “remember what I say and you’ll do well in tests.” Even when I go home, I pretty much repeat what I do everyday, what I just told you about. So, no, I haven’t changed my routine.

3. Do you think it is important to have daily routine for your study?


As much as I don’t really like this routine because it often feels like one day just bleeds into the next. I sorta understand that it’s necessary for students to have this routine. It makes sure we spend the maximum amount of time on study and that we will be able to do our best in Gaokao and get into a good university. It’s just not that much fun though.

4. What part of your day do you like the best?


Definitely the evening when I’m back from school. Like, finally, I can leave school behind and I get to do some fun things to relax. I can lie in my bed, put on my noise canceling earphones, shut my bedroom door, just have some alone time to recharge my batteries. Sometimes, I’d order some junk food, and eat in bed, it really helps renew my energy.


not have much say in sth 在某事上没有太多发言权

one day bleeds into the next 一天天都一样

alone time 独处的时间





👉2022年5-8月雅思口语Part2&3真题范文/音频:Describe something you do to keep fit and health



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