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Part 2

Describe an occasion that you lost something

You should say:

what you lost

when and where you lost it

what you did to find it

And explain how you felt about it

I would like to talk about the time I lost my wallet which contained my ID card and some cash. Funny thing is, the wallet itself was worth a lot more than what was in it. It was an expensive birthday gift. Till this day, I still don’t know how exactly I lost it.

So it was a Friday, actually Friday night, me and some friends were hanging out at this park that had an outdoor movie theater. Like, we went there all the time to watch movies. I was carrying a backpack that had my wallet in it, when I sat down on the lawn, I put my backpack beside me. Soon, the movie got all my attention, and you know, it was 9pm, it was kinda dark, I just wasn’t noticing anything unusual around me. When the movie was over and I reached for my backpack, I noticed the zip was open, and that was when I saw that my wallet was gone, someone must have stolen it.

First thing I did was I called the police and reported the theft, they took some information, they also checked the park surveillance camera but since it was crowded, it was difficult for them to identify a suspect. Basically what they said was that I should have been more careful. So, they were not exactly helpful. And I guess it probably wasn’t worth the police officers’ time.

Well, you know, I was quite angry because the thief was never caught, he just got away with it. Anyway, it really taught me a lesson, that is, always keep an eye on your belongings no matter where you go.


surveillance camera 监控

get away with sth 逃脱,免受惩罚

Part 3

1. Why are traditional products important?

First of all, people depend on traditional products so much that literally we can’t live without them. For example, in China, tofu, a very traditional food, we Chinese have been making tofu for nearly 2000 years. It’s healthy, tasty and can be made into a lot of different dishes. But the thing is nowadays most people don’t really make tofu themselves at home, it is made in factories and sold in supermarkets. I just can’t imagine the production of tofu being stopped. I think the same is true for burgers for Americans and fish and chips for the British or Kimchi for Koreans.

2. Do you think tradition is important for a country? Why?

Definitely, traditions are a big part of a country’s culture by which the people of that country identify with each other. Traditions are what define the people from that culture, what bring them together. Like we associate fish and chips with the British, pizza the Italians, and sausage the Germans, right? Your traditions are your identity. From an economic perspective, when people practice certain traditions, materials, products are demanded, just consider how many Christmas trees are sold each year during the holiday season? I mean, this demand for materials and products supports hole industries, a lot of people’s livelihoods depend on these traditions.

3. What are some of the traditional Chinese products?

Well, I’ve talked about tofu, but I would like to talk some more about it, I would like about stinky tofu, a popular fried snack made from fermented tofu, smells pungent, but actually is a delicacy, at least for me. People who love it can’t quit it, those who don’t can’t run fast enough away from it. And something that is called a thousand year old eggs which most Chinese people enjoy, might be a bit of an acquired taste, not recommended for foreigners.

4. Why is it important for children to learn about traditional products?

Traditions are very important for children as they will help them better understand their identity. They will give them a sense of belonging, first to their family, then perhaps the village, their country and religion. As social species, this is an essential step for a child to feel he/she belongs to a group, by understanding what this group is.

Traditions also give children something to look forward to, season after seasons, with the preparation that it often involves, such as the decorations to make for the house, the songs they’ll sing at home or at school, the food to prepare, the discussions and questions these will raise in the family.


fermented 发酵的

pungent 味道强烈的

delicacy 好吃的菜

an acquired taste 很难一下爱上的东西








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