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2022年5-8月雅思口语Part 2

Describe an important river/lake in your country. You should say :

Where it is

How big/long it is

What it looks like

And explain why it is important.

I would like to talk about a lake called Erhai which is in Dali, Yunnan province. Most Chinese people know Lake Erhai as a famous tourist destination, a must-visit place on their bucket list. I wanna talk about it because I have been to the lake 4 times, I’m so familiar with it and it is my all time favorite place to visit.

Since the lake has a shape of an ear, it gets the name Erhai (Ear Lake). It stretches 42km from north to south and 3.9km from east to west. The lake covers an area of more than 250 square kilometers and is 21.5 meters at the deepest. It is ranked the second in Yunnan Province and the seventh freshwater lake in China by area and water storage. The lake is at an altitude of nearly 2000 meters and is often dubbed “the Pearl of the Plateau.” Erhai’s waters are mainly fed by 2 rivers in the north, and 2 in the east, and the 18 creeks originating from Mt Cangshan, a vast, gorgeous mountain range close in the east of the lake.

Erhai is important in that it supports a rich biodiversity, about 30 species of fish swim in its waters and it is home to a variety of aquatic birds, many of which are endangered. Exotic plant life also flourishes in the lake.

A very important official once traveled to Erhai and he calls on people to quote “protect Erhai as you would protect your eyes.” His words of course carry a lot of weight. Nearly 1 million locals rely on the lake for drinking water. The lake’s picturesque landscapes also attract millions of tourists every year, bringing in much needed cash for the local economy. Tourism is actually Dali’s pillar industry. Erhai is really its lifeblood.


bucket list 一生必做的事情清单

altitude 海拔;高度

dub 把…称为

creek 小溪

mountain range 山脉

local delicacy 当地佳肴

sb’s words carry a lot of weight 某人的话很有分量

picturesque 风景如画的

pillar industry 支柱产业

lifeblood 命脉

2022年5-8月雅思口语 Part 3

1. How can rivers/lakes benefit local people?

Well, since the dawn of time, people who live near rivers and lakes have depended on them for food, not only do people catch fish in the waters, a precious protein source, they also draw water from these rivers and lakes to irrigate crops like rice and wheat, ensuring annual harvests. Rivers and lakes also benefit trade, people build rafts and boats that carry produce, logs, live stock, etc to faraway places where they are traded for other goods. Riverside communities have great potential to develop into commerce centers.

2. Do you think rivers/lakes attract tourists?

Absolutely, rivers are nature’s sculptors, they carve out breathtakingly beautiful valleys and canyons, and tourists are drawn to them. Take Jiuzhai Valley in Sichuan province, a Y shaped valley embellished with 108 lakes that are connected by 2 rivers. These lakes’ turquoise and cerulean waters are so unreal, it’s like god painted them. The valley is one of the most traveled places in China. And as an outdoor enthusiast and an avid shutter bug, my personal favorites are those alpine lakes hidden deep in the mountains of the Tibetan plateau where I’m able to get amazing shots of reflections of snow-capped peaks. It is literally what made me fall into love with photography in the first place because I feel compelled to record the beauty of those lakes.

3. How do rivers/lakes affect local tourism?

Well, like I said, rivers and lakes are popular tourist destinations, but they have to be accessible enough to have an impact on local tourism, I mean, it mustn’t be too difficult for people build roads and facilities in those areas. Tourism is not just about appreciating nature, it’s also about vacationing, enjoying amenities, and generating revenue. Those alpine lakes I just talked about, it takes an experienced hiker 3-4 days to arrive, making his way arduously in the middle of nowhere while carrying camping gear that amounts to probably more than 50 pounds. Tourism is basically out of the question, it’s just not for the masses, and there won’t be any economic benefits. So rivers/lakes can promise tourism, but not always.

4. Are rivers/lakes good for transport? Why?

This really depends on the size of the river or lake, I think. Giant rivers and lakes are heavily used for water transport all around the world, especially those that are connected to the ocean. Consider the Rhine, the Yangtze River or man-made rivers like the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal. The bulk of the world’s goods pass through these waterways. The cost of transporting goods by water is the lowest of all transportation modes and the volume is the highest, making rivers and lakes ideal for transport.


since the dawn of time 从最早开始

draw 取(水)

irrigate 灌溉(v)

raft 筏子

produce 农产品

logs 原木

live stock 牲畜

sculptor 雕塑家

carve out 雕刻出

canyon 峡谷

be drawn to 被吸引

embellish 点缀(v)

turquoise 青绿色

cerulean 天蓝色

alpine 高山的

snow capped peaks 雪山

reflection 倒影

compel 强迫(v)

amenities 便利设施

generate revenue 产生收益

arduous 艰难的

amount to 达到(某个数字等)

out of the question 不可能

the masses 普通人

Rhine 莱茵河

Suez Canal 苏伊士运河

Panama Canal 巴拿马运河

the bulk of sth 某物的绝大部份

volume 货物量









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